
Isn't the whole series already complete?

Jack shooting the legs of the protestors to create a diversion was so Jack-doesn't-give-a-fuck-anymore-Bauer.

I think Hartnett is underrated. He's been in some stinker films but I never thought he was the problem in those films.

Okay. Thank you. I'll set the DVR for the later episode and watch it tomorrow night. I appreciate the response.

Man, I was really looking forward to this because Josh Hartnett, but a spider in the first 3 minutes just flipped me out. Can't do spider stuff. I turned it off. Can someone tell me if spiders are an ongoing thing here?

I never said nor implied that you said he was a bad actor. I'm saying he's a better actor than he's given credit for and is a better actor than Toboni.

No way on Silas. I think he is very one note.

I edited my comment to reflect Russell.

Did you ever see his work in the episode of Grey's Anatomy wherein in played a closeted gay soldier dealing with his partner's pending death? Good lord. That was some gut wrenching beautiful work. So yeah, I think Giuntoli is very underrated.

I don't agree that Toboni is clearly a better actor. I think Giuntoli is much better than he gets credit for. He can carry some really heavy emotional scenes and angry scenes. And he can bring the action and light comedy. I think Russell Hornsby is the best actor in the cast but Giuntoli is not far behind.

Sorry, I wasn't articulate there. What I mean is I don't mind knowing about other Grimms but I feel like they screwed the pooch with Nick's Grimmness vs Grimmness in general and are now trying to talk about it through Trubel and others.

Yes this! I have been getting kind of irritated with the lack of Nick Burkhardt: Grimm since the pretty major storyline of ZombieNick. I want Nick's story told by Nick through Nick's eyes. I don't want a Grimm's story told through a different and new Grimm's eyes. It's annoying.

I think for fans it should be Grimmlings. But point being let Team Grimm Have it's it's own cutesy naming convention. It's more annoying to me now because of the entire article where all he did was draw inapt parallels to Buffy.

Hats off to them, you might say

I groaned when they actually had another stupid Adalind uses Juliet spell bullshit. Fuck that.

Dear reviewer,
Why do you persist with the fucking New Scoobies thing? Do you simply just not respect Grimm as it's own show to use Grimmsters as the actual showrunners do? Is it just you can't let go of Buffy? Whatever it is, stop it.

Yeah, Dean has never been on a power trip. I could see him going King of Hell out of ultimate self-loathing vs Godstiel.

Thanks, man. I'll be looking for the flowers you'll send in condolence

Every single show on TV just about?