
I'm sure

I'm amused that you say this show was pedestrian when you reference BBT in your retort. I think you might have the shows confused.

Every single one of these actors will be just fine

It was funny, and unique.

Me too

Bummer :(. I'm going to need a blanket fort for comfort:(. Who's with me?

Wait, that seems weird. We had Moira all season, and I'm really hoping for Moira in a flashback before the season is over. She really deserves to still be on your list.

The problem is that Sara has already had that arc. Giving it to Laurel is a cheat and who wants to watch Laurel go through it again?

I didn't take issue with Laurel having the strength because the bow probably did a lot of the work already. My issue is that she had too perfect form for someone who never picked up a bow before that moment.

I think that's a good thing. That was terrible. I'm chalking it up some kind of fever dream or hallucination of Dean's caused by the MoC.

Yeah, even if Oliver cures him, Slade still murdered his mother in front of him. I'm thinking that friendship is effectively dead.

Absolutely. I'm really going to miss him here.

Awesome! Thanks!

Why would she say that? That would be silly with no basis

He can't manipulate Thea if he brings up Oliver.

I think she was killed

I think he was there for future reasons or maybe he'll be in the Bloodlines spinoff. IMO his presence and the whole can't change history thing is purposeful and is going to lead somewhere (that I don't think I'm going to like one little bit)

Nope, mine was all Supernatural. Maybe you watched the Bloodlines episode?

Is that what I said? Nope, it's not.

It's almost like they are trying to be creative and new by not following the comics 100% to the canon. That's madness!