
RIP Nikita. Loved that show

I love Jack Harkness in all incarnations

Yes I know and it's absurd and not acceptable to this viewer as a proper crucible.

For me it's not even so much that I'm in love with Sara, but the actress and the character have actually EARNED the Black Canary moniker. Laurel has not one little bit, and I don't really want to watch Laurel go through the same journey as Sara because that would be just be dumb and redundant. And there is no crucible

That's really interesting about TVD. Because I actually watched the first season and thought, this is kind of fun and interesting and then it just went a direction that was way too soapy for me. That explains the change.

Agreed. And I'm not 100% convinced that Laurel is that proud of her sister. I say this because I've just thought that her line readings and expressions do not come across to me as super proud but more of "I want her life". I haven't forgotten that "She stole my life thing" either.

I don't think he was written as 100% sociopath. Psychotic? Yup. But if he had no empathy at all he wouldn't have wanted to help the citizens of the Glades from the beginning. His methods were insane but underneath it all I've always thought he really did in his own twisted way want to help the people of the Glades.

I love Amell's enthusiasm for his show. And I think he's been fairly accurate in his assessments of the episodes he believed were the strongest or most emotional or action filled. Stephen Amell has not failed this show.

I really thought the change was legit. And that is all down to Alejandro's fine acting. He's been playing those conflicting feelings and goals all along. And in this episode he had a brilliant moment when there was a shift in his eyes upon realizing that Slade was 100% about destroying Oliver Queen even if it meant

Ollie isn't dumb, but sometimes his judgment is lacking. But that's why he has Team Arrow!

It's a bit of teasing but I don't think it's pandering. I think it's to show that Oliver is starting to be less closed off emotionally. He doesn't really hug a lot, he has sexytimes with Sara, but that's not the same kind of intimacy as a gentle hand on the shoulder or a well timed hug. I thought it was just a

I was just about to ask

Apparently not that exhausting..

But it did compel you to comment that you won't be watching….weird.

The point though is that Sara's wig, demeanor, and mask really do make her look different. Oliver's hood and mask not so much.

Could Anatoly be Felicity's father?

But it is ignorant because it's an unearned mantle for Laruel

Huh? Malcolm knows who Oliver is and knows he's the Arrow. He fucking had him tied up and shirtless last season.

They were in the police station at his desk. I suspect the badge was on or in his desk. As for the canary, the wig is a much lighter shade of blonde, platinum, and Sara carries herself differently as the Canary, so despite her being in the room, she looks different enough to not be recognized.

She was better here, but she still can't seem to find the right facial expression to go with her dialogue. It's weird. And she cannot do the 1000 yard stare for anything. So whilst she was less annoying. she still hasn't shown anything nearly as interesting as she was in SPN.