
I'm really hoping that if Dean becomes King of Hell it will be so he can slaughter all the demons like Cain slaughtered his own. He can then close the gates of hell. Figure out how to close Heaven once the angels are back up there. And then the boys get back to saving people and hunting things. Series final line :

He could be a character in the spinoff too.

I wondered if that is foreshadowing some serious show reset of it's own time structure and events. And I'll tell you right now, I WILL NOT BE HAPPY if that happens.

IMO, Dean has always had a bit of recklessness and ruthlessness in him but I just can't accept a demon!Dean just for the sake of demon!Dean because he wants to hurt humans and have power over humanity and do it for EVUL.To me that would be character assassination of the highest order. Dean has never been about power

Friend of the show

I'm also a life long female feminist and for whatever reasons I don't have a major problem with the treatment of women in the show either. I'm not thrilled with the use of "bitch", 'whore' and "slut" in the show but I've always put that to the idea that since it's Network TV they can't use swear words involving

I actually quietly fist pumped when Dean said "No". Just straight up, matter of fact. Dean isn't mincing his words here. He's on a mission. When Dean told Sam he knew what was happening all along to himself and that he had to walk that walk alone I was actually oddly relieved.

I think of superpowers as something the person has that acts upon someone else, like Sam's telekinectic power to exorcise demons, or x-ray vision or the power to fling people across the room. Dean being able to resist Abaddon's power didn't strike me as a superpower per se.

I'm starting to really lean towards Dean killing Cas. And they've already done God if one believes that Chuck is God.

Oh wow. I actually could see that being the case now that it's been said.

See my other comments :)

See, I wasn't really clear if Gavin was in our time or his time when Crowley left him.

I know. I just don't know why I'm thinking she's not dead. Maybe it's more that I thought she'd last until the finale at least! But thinking back, Anna had that some glow but she came back in her same meatsuit to go back in time.

I know there are gifs galore with Sam's hair blowing being referred to as a L'oreal moment. But yeah I kind of chuckled

Good point!

I know it was selling point on the Blade but I guess I just need more confirmation that it really truly did kill her. Some of these major supporting characters don't stay dead for long. LOL

So I have a question. How do we know for 100% sure that Abaddon is dead. Her body was still there. She didn't completely turn to ash or dust or whatever. What did they do with her? Did they salt and burn her to make sure she's really most sincerely dead?

Ah. Yes, that makes sense. Maybe it's more like he can fight demon powers more than having his own per se?

Have you given Arrow a try? It's fantastic, seriously. He's been on Continuum on Syfy too. He's had guest shots on Castle and The Killing. Did you watch Dollhouse? He was in that too. Dollhouse was pretty great

The only superpower I've seen is his ability to make the Blade come to him, which I took to be only because of his connection to the Blade. I haven't seen anything else that is really 'supernatural", just more like roided up Dean, unless I've missed some major plot points.