
Penikett will always be Helo (from Battlestar Galactica) to me. But I have seen him on like 3 CW shows in the past year or so alone. I don't think he lacks for work.

I'm hoping that Dean's awareness that Sam would have been a liability in that situation isn't solely MoC induced insights. Part of me is really hoping that it's the distance between the boys that is finally allowing Dean to let go of his need to be so attached and protective of Sam. Yes it's been his raison d etre but

That was great. But then I love Chris Messina so for me, as long Danny's around, I'm around. Lovely episode.

Was Alexis Drazen on that list? Because I'm really holding out for a surprise Misha Collins appearance.

I didn't like her at all on Dexter and thought the same thing about her acting. She was better here but I won't say she's great but she's decent.

I think so. Or as least they only did it for the first episodes of each season. I know they don't do it for all the episodes, they just have the "following takes place" with the hour marker.

The difference is that I think Don is pinging that this is going to be a big deal soon and they should get it whilst the getting is good. Don is usually right about these things.

I think the "events occur in real time" was a nod to the first season and to let new viewers know the parameters of the conceit. I think that stopped after the first season and they just went with " the following takes place etc."

I don't remember it that way. Curtis had a personal grudge against Al-Assad because his team was ambushed in Iraq by Al-Assad's team and he didn't think Assad should be pardoned. It was out of left field but Curtis wasn't a turncoat, he just couldn't accept that Assad would be pardoned.

I'll admit it. I cheered. I really did. And then I cheered again, when he said "Son of a bitch".

I thought this was a one-time only 12 episode run and that would be the end of the line.

Well technically it wasn't in L.A.proper. it was Valencia which is north of L.A. :) … So it only took out like 10000 people….

I'll be honest. I couldn't stand Strahovski in Dexter. I didn't watch Chuck, but I found her reasonably good here. But I was also massively distracted that her name was Kate because I just wanted her to be Kate Warner :(. I really liked Kate Warner and always thought she could have been a nice love interest for

I think that was part of the move to show they won't be doing it hour by hour now and some of the time skipping.

Right? The clock ticking was the most oddly comforting sound I've heard in years.

That was awesomely classic Jack.

We got a SCHEMATIC too! So happy!

No question. Still doesn't change that he is spiting himself by not taking Don's creative input.

I didn't see any resemblance myself but I see your over all point

I love Arby's. I love the regular roast beast and the curly fries.