
I didn't think the sympathy came only from other people being assholes, mostly because I look at it as being a bit of karma, if you will, from Don being a dick to a lot of those same people over the past couple of seasons. He's lying in the bed he made to an extent(aside from Bert who has always been kind of a jerk).

HA! I actually said that to the TV. I thought, wow, Bert you are really going to cut off your nose to spite your face, because Don brought you a good idea? Yeah, FUCK YOU BERT COOPER.

I actively started to loathe Don by the end of last season. I am shocked that for two episodes in a row, I don't loathe him as much and I feel like Don is sort of learning something here. It's weird and I don't know how to process this.

I think Lou had to work himself into that sales pitch to Peggy. He looked so uncomfortable after it was over.

Meh. Maybe one day. Not in a rush. After I've watched pretty much everything else.

I watched the first season of Chuck. Didn't care for it.

I guess I could see that. I just loathed her so much, but you make a compelling argument.

Same here. It's the only season I actually own

I can agree with that, but I loved it anyway.

Anything that gets Misha Collins on my screen

I've got fingers crossed for a surprise appearance by Alexis Drazen

Well, it was a cougar but everything else about s2 was just the best IMO

Hey I've seen the argument made before.. so forgive me for not knowing if you were serious or not.

And one 24 hour day stretched out over 24 episodes did? It's a conceit.

Not to mention she could act!

Holy shit. Mandy was the scariest. You know who else was a villain in 24. Misha Collins. He was Alexis Drazen. I think it would be hilarious if he wasn't actually dead.

George Mason. Still the best death in the entire show.

Oh see, I disagree. I think 24 holds up pretty well. I can watch s2 over and over and it never loses anything.

I sure hope not. I did not like Jack with Audrey. You know who I did like Jack with. Renee Oh I'd like to see the older sister from s2 back. She was pretty great.

The presences of Strahovski nearly makes me not want to watch.