
I hated Nina. I hated the character. I don't ever want to see her back. Plus, she's busy in Tomorrowland.

Worst Perimeters EVER

Please and thank you for all of the above.

Even Mike Novak has his moments.


I won't even care how utterly stupid it would be to have Tony back, because I just want Tony back. I will loudly cheer and roll my eyes all the way out of my head and I won't care one little bit.

I didn't think Nick was bossy so much as just not really thinking it through…as Nick is wont to do sometimes.

Late to the party.

Maybe she'll end up with a spin-off: Trubel: Teen Grimm

I don't even care. LOL I just want it to be Holland Manners 2.0

You are never going to get "boobs" on your screen. Be happy with skimpy bras and panties and you've had plenty of that!

see my comment elsewhere about that matter.

I squealed because "Holland Manners"!

I see no reason why we can't have shirtless Meisner, shirtless Hank, shirtless Nick. And yes I agree with your additions.

Who wrote this episode?

The dress didn't reveal her entire back so maybe that's where most of the scarring was…? I got nuthin'

I'm almost starting to think he's doing it on purpose to remind us that this show is not and will never be Buffy, which seems to kind of bother him. Well, that is true because it's much more akin to Angel, but that's beside the point. Have enough respect for Grimm as it's own animal to use it's own nicknames.

LOL and boy that went well!

I think my commenting style here would bear out that I typically don't use that kind of abrasive and really combative and mean discussion tactics. Also, I've never seen "reply fail" used other than to indicate a mistake in replying to the wrong comment. But regardless I don't see how me saying reply fail in even the

Or did Juliette just ban him from either room? All I know is, I was like, wait…a minute….