
I'm hoping since they've already been renewed for s4 that they get back to exploring Nick's Grimmness. I feel like so much of that has gone by the wayside. And there should have been more examination of his post-zombie status. I mean it was a pretty big fucking deal. I don't want Grimm-ness explored tangentially

IMO, Nick has become harsher since his zombification. Or maybe he's just letting the dark Grimm part seep through a bit more.

Hey. Wait a minute. Trubel was staying in a guest room, right? WTH? I thought there wasn't a guest room and that was why Nick was sleeping on the sofa all that time? Did they put an addition on the house? Am I losing my mind?

I think there is a wide spectrum of moral compassing in Grimm-land

Bleh, some words I actually typed went missing. Stupid disqus.

This is the great snappy dialogue that has been missing since s1 when things got super-serious and some of the fun left or at least what was fun for me.

I don't take the language as being 100% actual German. Since is a fictional world of Grimm where there is a royal family of another species, I figured the language is more German-adjacent so it doesn't need to be the perfect pronunciation of actual German.

This was a solid B for me. I really like Trubel and the actress is doing a good job. Great old skool feel of an episode for me with Nick and Hank investigating and Wu being all "WTF?" when Trubel said "It's Wesen". That was great.

Why does a bimbo PA deserve rude treatment? Maybe direct the rudeness to the guy that hired her

So she was delusional about Oliver but not about Blood whom she had zero evidence of anything but a gut reaction? That doesn't really help her case .

I replied to the wrong comment hence my reply fail comment. I was not mocking your comment. Although I do now appreciate that you see my opinion as nothing but "haterz".

But this is Oliver Queen who can tolerate a helluva a lot more pain than the average person, plus he seems to like injecting himself with large amounts of Lidocaine. Amell played it with a limp and some slower movement so they didn't forget about whatever the knee injury was.

I actually address this very thing elsewhere here. Felicity is the only one that made it about Oliver.

reply fail

Wow, that's completely opposite of what happened.

But where was he hiding it? He sat down with cuffed hands in a chair that had nothing on it. Lance and the other cop were right next to him the whole time. I still have no idea how it materialized.

Dude, keep up with the current season!

You really extrapolate some interesting things out of nothing I've said here. Who said a fucking thing about Oscar worthy?

Not sure what your point is here. I think consensus has been that Thompson is/was the best actor in the cast.

Rickards (not Richards) was excellent in that scene.