
Laurel's speech was about propping up Laurel not Oliver. It was supposed to make the audience stop and think, "Gosh, you know what. Laurel has known Oliver longer than anyone not named Moira. Then, by default, she must know Oliver BETTER than anyone. By golly, Yes Laurel IS the one to save Oliver from himself."

Den of Despair?

The finale is called "Unthinkable". Last season's was "Sacrifice"

Just a small correction.. this season's finale is called 'Unthinkable". Last season's finale was "Sacrifice". Not sure if that changes your speculation :)

So because Laurel thinks she's a bimbo PA, she has carte blanche to treat her like shit? That's even worse!

In a really twisted way, this is true

It could also be that Blackthorne gives him character too….

Huh? I'm not following what your response has to do with my comment.

He is batshit crazy but he loved his son and I'll bet he'll love Thea too.

If she could intuit that Blood was a bad guy, why couldn't she intuit that Ollie was a cheating cheater who cheated? Did she just gain her powers recently?

An 11 year old girl on a softball team would have swung it better. But congratulations on the worst comment of the day!

He is incredibly attractive. I just think calling him a babe is not sufficient appreciation of his true beauty and manliness.

He's not a babe. He's grown ass handsome man.

His knee was injured not his entire leg.

Welcome to the party!

For me, it was more than the vocalization. I thought he really sold in his eyes, the sorrow and fear and utter helplessness he felt. I thought he did a fantastic job. But for me, the best moment in that episode for him was the scene wherein Moira told him she knows he's the Arrow. My lord. That was just too much.

I actually did watch that. Is it his most groundbreaking work? No. But I thought he was just fine shifting between two personalities. He does menacing very well.

It would have been what at least 3 days until Moira's funeral, maybe longer. But he was definitely gimpy still

I don't think that implies that whatsoever. A traumatizing event like what he went through will force him to adapt or die. But to say that Oliver Queen has always been the Arrow deep down inside but it took some horrible terrible things to bring it out of him IMO is way more of a discredit than to Oliver than these

Wait, what? Are you serious about KC telling her they would have a problem? Surely that's a misunderstanding or a joke? Right?