
And even with the shirtlessness, what are the parameters. 6 pack vs 4 pack. That nice muscle that goes from just above the hip bones, the length of the treasure trail…..

Oh don't get me wrong. I don't care that Felicity and Laurel don't like each other. But Laurel has kind of been a dick to Felicity for no good reason. Even here, she's like Felicity can give me a radio. I suspect the line wasn't supposed to come across as patronizing as it did, but again I put that down to poor

"Lest we forget, up until Slade revealed Oliver's secret to her, she was
by design supposed to be as "clueless and annoying" and most characters
on these types of shows who fill this "outer circle" role"

Maybe her mother is really Cher but she says she's a cocktail waitress to avoid drama.

Blood: Damn my OCD!

I swear it almost looked like they wanted her to appear to be this super nerdy gawky person, but we already have that with Felicity.

She's not the Black Canary, she's the Blackmailnary.

This is an open debate forum. Unless comments become ad hominem attacks between the commenters and spambot comments it's all fair game. Calling out commenters that have differing opinion than yours as "haters" doesn't really help the civil discourse. Engage the commentary, defend the character if you want but don't

LOL. I guess you aren't grasping that I actually said the quality and thrill of the actions stunts in Arrow IMO are quite comparable on a much smaller scare.

If the writers didn't force this awful character into such an important role in the show we wouldn't be talking about her nearly as much. And given this episode was pretty much Laurel centric it's hard to avoid and IMO should not be avoided. The criticism of the character and the actress are valid because it's

Oh I agree 100% but usually it's not quite as overt as last night. I'm not complaining mind you. I think een Emily and Stephen just spark off each other. Heck Stephen sparks with about anyone not named Katie Cassidy. I feel like all their scenes are incredibly awkward and not just because they are written to be

Laurel is incredibly patronizing to Felicity. I hate it.

Shannon was the worst but she was supposed to be the worst.

Because it was a violation of the Team Arrow dynamic with this interloper and made me incredibly afraid they are going to make her BC and the expense of Sara.

Everyone in the show has to sell silly shit. Some do it better than others.

I would argue that almost all the stunt scenes in Arrow have had been as equally compelling and excellent as that one scene from TDK on a fraction of the budget.

Felicity gave him pretty much the exact same pep talk! And Felicity actually has experience with Ollie that proves he can find other ways. Laurel, not so much.

I wanted to like Laurel here but her usefulness came at the expense of good plotting and she was shoehorned into the action in such a sloppy and inorganic manner that it made me resent her presence even more. I will give her credit for one thing in the episode and whether or not it was my perception, I thought she

I think she looked older because of the dowdy hairstyle she wore this season. If we think back to State vs Queen and her hair was longer she looked younger. I think that is probably closer to Thompson's normal look IRL

sorry got timeline wrong but the point of getting another chick pregnant whilst dating laurel is the point.