
And that other time you were sleeping with her. And that time that you got that chick pregnant in high school.

I really thought Ollie was going to tell her before she left.

Or maybe they are desperately trying to find something she can actually do well or at least not terribly.

Wrong character for that. Should have been Thea

I was actually offended by that shot.


The problem is that Felicity already gave him the same speech in essence (and did it better).She literally said "Oliver there has to be another way! You can't just give up". And then Laurel comes along and basically repeats that line but says "Oliver you always find another way!"
Erm when exactly would Laurel have

I'll be honest. I kept shouting "Stop looking at the bow and arrows! Get away from the Quiver!"

I suppose I could start a male ranking but I feel like shirtlessness would be a pretty superficial measure.

I'll bet more than half are uttered by Felicity

I'm starting to think he might have some permanent vocal chord damage from all that low register speaking. But I am jonesing hard for Jensen to become Batman like you don't even know.

So, Laurel shows up when Ollie told her to stay behind. And she literally shouts his name whilst he's in the ArrowHood? Good job with the whole secret identity thing there, Laurel.

Yeah I can't agree with that. And comparing anyone to Jensen is just unfair because he's a marvel.

Oh I don't know. I think grabbing her hand and trying to guide her to safety and protecting her should be thanks enough.

But Shannon was never meant to be all that sympathetic or a hero. She was a spoiled rich girl who didn't pretend otherwise. I could at least respect that was who she was and she eventually grew in organic ways IMO. Unlike Laurel.

It's reductive to say that those who dislike Laurel and/or the actress are simply haters. Enough time has gone by and whether it's due to the writing or the acting or a combination of both, the character is a failure. I would love for her to be Wonder Woman if it gets her out of Arrow. She is the weak link in the

I don't really see comparison to Faith but that might just be because I couldn't stand Faith. I think Sara is her own animal. She became what she became in order to survive. Not because of a mystical thing or destiny thing.

Even the Salmon Ladder was asking

Laurel just looked so out of place there.

At this point, I don't care if Ollie and Sara get back together, or if Ollie gets with Felicity or Diggle for that matter. I do not want him with Laurel in any way, shape or form. That will be the end of it for me.