
I could live with that.

Also, if the show is being graded against itself, which it should be, then an episode of this high quality with an emotional wallop at the end should receive a grade similar to say "Birds of Prey" or "The Promise" which both received A.

I do sometimes think that some reviewers grade lower than the could/should because it's like a teacher that just can't accept that the work the student did is actually worthy of an A and if they gave an A then the student has nothing to shoot for.

Why does everyone forget that Nikita (RIP)was on the CW and the lead actress is Asian and one of the main supporting characters is a black woman (Lyndie Greenwood). That show had all manner of PoC both as recurring, main, guest and red shirts. And IMO Arrow has done a better than average job of PoC as well not to

That doesn't change her still being a hero even if she views herself as a piece of crap.

That is just a sign of her lack of self-esteem right now IMO. She can't see that she has done heroic deeds because of the Roy situation which she wasn't necessarily wrong about.

That's HER perception of herself that she can't change. That doesn't make it true.

Nope. I think objectively based on the comments here and general consensus of reviews not at AV Club this episode is A- at worst. And we all know the minuses mean nothing.

Objectively, the subjective grade of B is too low for the quality of this episode.

I sure hope so.

I suspect she'll blame Oliver

I find it entertaining and good drama.

I read that as Agents of C.A.D.B.U.R.Y and thought now that would be some good product placement

I was watching an old episode of SPN wherein Ruby has a fight with Sam and Dean. She looked so awkward and uncoordinated and couldn't sell a fake punch or a fake kick to save her life. It just reaffirmed my inability to buy her becoming the Black Canary. But her acting of Ruby was actually decent.

See, as much as I dislike Laurel, I never thought she was stupid. That is partly why I find her so annoying. IMO she's always carried more of a smug attitude about her importance to Ollie and there was never really evidence in the end that was true.

That left me slack-jawed. I totally did not see that coming at all.

Oliver was pretty joyless when he returned from the island. He barely smiled, he was ulitmate PTSD and only put on a front for the world. So to me, since Sara has just in the past few months broken away from LoA, I think her joylessness makes sense.

The Mirakuru is causing him to have hallucinations that the woman he did have a thing for is telling him to avenge her death. He's even acknowledged that the Mirakuru is affecting him and he doesn't care now.

She dropped her killing habit. IMO she had some legitimate reasons for thinking Roy had to die. That wasn't the same as a killing habit. Sarah is giving herself way too hard of a time about this, IMO.

Wait, what? Oliie is entirely defined by his time on the island. He wouldn't have become the vigilante or the Hood and now the Arrow for any other reason, which makes him a hero but Sarah isn't?