
Oh gods. Now you have me thinking Detective Lance is going to sacrifice himself for both his daughters. Fuck that.

Could Diggle be secretly doping with something that keeps him from being horribly injured?

Geez that's pretty reductive to Sara's character. She's much more than what you describe. Sara being quippy and cute like Felicity would be very annoying. Sara is a great three dimensional female character with both good qualities and huge flaws.

I don't understand this criticism. Arrow Oliver is defined by his experiences on the island, why wouldn't Sara be as well?

I thought Barrowman looking older in Torchwood was a matter of the hairstyle and clothing change. And also the way Barrowman was playing a much older, oft killed, world weary Jack Harkness.

She said a bullet to the brain would do the trick before she left the Cave

I am now really rooting for one last hookup between Ollie and Laurel.

He's playing a pretty decent villain in Grimm right now

I think Felicity and Sara bring different things to Ollie's life I need both to stay.

D- to D+. at best

How do you figure two live action comic book shows are incomparable?

One was pretty and it wasn't Laurel

How dare he be maladjusted after being the impossible spawn of two vampires, and then was tossed into a hell dimension where he was raised by a fake father to hate his real father and then be manipulated by his Dad's demon possessed possible girlfriend. WHAT A JERK!

More Laurel does not equal better Laurel. She is absolutely dead last on my list.

Although I really want to see Alexis Denisoff in Arrow

Tweet from Stephen Amell about tonight's episode


I don't know but I'm pretty sure Moira and Malcolm's thing was one time thing.

Me too! I really liked that weird show

Well that's true. But I still don't think Ollie was shown to be sullen. Just an overly entitled douchebag