
I'm starting to think he might not recover until next season

Well of course it's better but I took your comment to be a complaint about people making the comparisons at all, which I dont' see the problem with it myself.

A Holy Tax Accountant? I'm still holding out hope for my SPN/Arrow crossover and then I can die a happy woman

I will defend Connor to the end of time. That kid got a bad rap!

I don't think they are going to bring in a child any time soon. That doesn't have to happen until Ollie turns 40 and Amell has said he doesn't want to play the Arrow when he's 40.

Both Malcolm and Moira have said it was a one time thing. Yes they are both lying liars but I don't know why they wouldn't just admit it was an affair.

Yes precisely because she's his spawn. He just got his own son killed. He was lurking around Moira because he needed to threaten her about Thea. As far as the intimacy thing, that's just the ever present Barrowman Eye-Fuck. I personally don't think he was in love with Moira.

Can you both petulant and sullen? I don't remember seeing any kind of sullen Ollie before the Island

Only Agents of A.B.Y.S.M.A.L. could waste Amy Acker.

It's a fair comparison since they are the only two live action comic book shows on TV right now.

Because Thea is his daughter?

I don't know. Maybe she has secrets about Malcolm that she didn't want Ollie to know about. Just spitballin

I was just making fun of Guggenheim suggesting Cassidy was Emmy worthy

LOL okay that's fair.

But Slade's all consuming obsession over Shado was Mirakuru fueled more than anything.

I'm thinking maybe she's going to see Malcolm. That would be quite a twist.

I'm confused. Malcolm's love of his life was his wife which is why he committed to the undertaking. I never thought he was ever in love with Moira. Even Moira said it was not an affair.

The baby daddy stuff is from the comic though.

Nope. I was misty

Okay that's funny.