
I don't understand this idea that Dean never enjoyed killing monsters. If he didn't, IMO, he would have quit hunting years ago. IMO he derives satisfaction out of killing monsters and it gives him a sense of purpose in this life. And yes if that means he enjoys it so be it. It's not a new character trait for Dean

Oh man if Dean dies as a bad guy, I will personally drive to the Burbank studios and leave a nasty note on their door. Well probably not, but I'm gonna be really really upset. Like it would be a total and complete character assassination of the worst sort. I'm already getting angry just thinking about it! I mean I

I think that is part of my issue with the MOTW this week. It took focus off the boys and Castiel so close to the end of season.

Man, I saw that brief trailer, and I can say I am not interested in that show whatsoever.

Ratings went up over last week.

My worry is that the show is going to make Dean into a monster to try and humanize the actual monsters and I am just not going to be happy with that AT ALL. Sam and Dean have issues for sure, but they are flawed heroes and if they make Dean a permanent villain with no redemption arc well then …nope nope nope.

I don't really see how Sam could not remember Dean's face and eyes. And not make the connection that since the MoC he's been different. My point though is that Sam calling Dean out on what is a very typical Dean behavior is not a good basis for Sam addressing Dean's 'joy of killing'.

I don't really like how they throw "bitch" around but I thought it was a purposeful use in this case. IMO it was used to let that vampire creep know that the last face he would see was Dean Fucking Winchester running a blade through his neck. It kind of reminded me of when Dean called Azazel a "son of a bitch" after

Dean has always been cocky and aggressive. If anything I think he has been less cocky and less aggressive on the surface since acquiring the Mark. He's much more too himself than ever before. I'm not convinced yet that there is bloodlust solely driving him other than when the actual First Blade is in his hand. I

I agree with you here. It could have also been reflective of Dean's PTSD after Purgatory.

But that's thing, it was piss poor writing for Sam to mention the 'bitch' thing first, instead of the really important part of Dean's behavior. It made Sam look petty and Dean like more of an ass IMO than he really is.

Dean looked straight at Sam and Sam kept calling out Dean's name, and for Dean to put the Blade down when Sam was tied up in Blade Runner. And Sam looked really freaked out

I did not feel bad for that vampire at all. He was using a young girl as bait so they could feed off humans. Ugh. I cheered when Dean taunted him and cut off his head. That was great.

"Why would Sam call out Dean for using a slur one time when he's never called him out for using it about 10 times per episode in many seasons? Given that Sam has also used the word, wouldn't he look like a huge hypocrite?"

I'm not sure he was actually knocked out. He played possum once and and I'm even entertaining the idea that Dean is possibly immortal now. I wouldn't be surprised if during the finale Dean isn't apparently mortally wounded and then resurrects more or less. I both would love and hate that because poor Dean does not

Dean has always wanted to kill the monsters first though for the most part. IMO the only times there was conflict was when it was a human possessed by a demon and they didn't want to kill the human host. Dean faced conflicts with Benny because Benny was his ally when they were trying to survive Purgatory. And if

I'm not really understanding this sexist aspect you are talking about. Can you elaborate?

I was pretty much disappointed with this episode for the most part

I don't agree that Dean isn't seeing them as human. I think in Alex's case he misjudged that she couldn't be saved because of her lifetime of experience with being the bait and that it was unclear until the end that she could be saved. With the THINMAN, I think he saw them as human monsters because they were murdering

And he's doing a piss poor job with that too!