
great minds and all that

Heh. I just don't think they are really good for each other. MV and all that.

A, easily

I like to think it's because he's spending more time away from Megan.

THANK YOU! It was driving me crazy.

That doesn't change that Peggy was mean to Shirley in front of other employees. Shirley could have cleared it up, but Peggy overreacted completely.

I think you're way off base with that reading. Bert would have said don't put Dawn on the front desk because I want her as a secretary somewhere in this office. He has no problem telling people what to do. He was more worried about public perception and possible loss of business than Dawn's status in the company,

Oh I agree she was wrong in a human way, but I thought she was quite mean to Shirley, which is still very human.

Sadly, back then, still being single at 30 was almost a shameful place to be in life. Especially for women


If you ignore his entire line about advancement of colored people, maybe. But if you ignore it, they you are being willfully obtuse about the situation. There was nothing altruistic in Bert's actions here IMO.

That was happenstance. I don't believe for a minute that Bert orchastrated the whole thing. It was a luck of the draw, because Joan was promoted by Jim and Joan promoted Dawn. IMO, Bert could have cared less what actually happened to Dawn other than not having her be seen first by the public.

IMO, tt was a pretty clear reference to the office as seeing the two black secretaries as interchangeable with little regard to who those two women actually are. It wasn't a mistake.

I understood why Peggy flipped out because IMO she was projecting all her anger and hurt about Ted and sense of powerlessness with Lou onto Shirley. But Peggy was absolutely in the wrong for berating Shirley especially in front of other people. And I thought it was pretty clear that Peggy understands that and regrets

Don can't handle being Dick Whitman for that matter. Don is still the worst

IMO, there is no way it wasn't about her race since he specifically referenced the advancement of colored people. He might be all for the advancement of colored people as long as it doesn't hurt HIS business.

Butthurt Pete Campbell is the most entertaining Pete Campbell. And I think he has a fair gripe here no matter how butthurt he is about it.

He said "I'm all for the advancment of colored people" , which is an obvious reference to the NAACP, before saying that Dawn would be the first person seen and telling Joan to move her somewhere else.

In this case, Thea's parentage does involve Thea and as far as she knows Ollie has known all along. I don't really blame either Thea or Ollie in this situation because Thea is still young and now her world is upside down in one sentence and Oliver probably doesn't think telling her he only learned recently will change

I feel like Laurel has not been a good sister to Sarah in general. My current working speculation is that Laurel is envious of Sarah and is going to try and steal back what she thinks Sarah stole in the first place.