
He left last season to write for Kripke for "Revolution". I really hope that show gets cancelled so SPN can get Edlund back.

Well, that was bizarre. I don't even know what to think.

So because I don't want a rape storyline I shouldn't watch the show? I watch it because it's enjoyable and fun escapist entertainment with great acting and excellent stuntwork. I trust the writers up to a point and this would be a point I would not trust them to handle well and not have it be exploitative.

Because I do not trust the writers to handle it well. I can ignore a lot of stuff these writers do with mangling legal stuff because it's a comic book hero show. It would require an appropriate level of respect and sensitivity and time to address that i don't think the show has nor should have. I also don't want it to

That's a good point about it being an anchor for other shows.

That's disappointing. I can't help but think the hiatuses along with being directly up against Agents of SHIELD hurt it. But on the plus side at least it's already renewed. I'm wondering if the CW should move it back to Wednesday. A one-two punch of Arrow/Supernatural could be pretty great.

Erm, that was Sarah not Laurel.

Yes it happens in real life, but I sincerely hope the tv show Arrow does not ever visit a rape storyline beyond what is hinted at with Sarah.

I've been watching early Supernatural and she's actually decent as Ruby overall with being snarky and conniving. There is one fight big fight scene between her, Dean and Sam and I just busted out laughing because she had to kick Dean when he was down and just the way she held her arms and delivered the kick was like

I hope they bring good Ole Colin Salmon too

This is a very good point. I will reserve judgment

I find no flaw in your logic.

But it still doesn't make any sense.

In Thea's defense, Ollie has yet to tell her that he only learned about this recently that we know of. I think it would go a long way to soothing her feelings of betrayal if he told her this. I'm not quite sure why the show is not having him clarify that point with Thea.

When I say I'm not sure, I'm not saying that because the show didn't show it, but because Roy's personality and emotions were counter to what was good for the team. So for me, because of Roy himself he wasn't as well integrated. That's what I mean. I didn't necessarily need to see Roy meet Sara to accept that she was

I'm so happy for Dean to have something to do besides worry about Sam. And I really hope that Dean is the one that saves himself or even Cas saves him for that matter. I want Sam to worry about Dean but not necessarily be the one that saves him, only because I think it would detract from Dean's specific arc with the

I will forever be annoyed with Cas being spelled Cass. I don't care what the writer says about it. Some things they do are just wrong and that is one of them.

It's in my top favorite seasons and to this day Not Fade Away is my favorite finale of all time, just surpassing Six Feet Under

I'm like that about Angel. It was a time and place thing for me. I don't dislike Buffy but I don't really relate to it like I could Angel. And Wesley is in my 5 all-time favorite characters list

Sometimes I'm bitter that Buffy got more attention than Angel. I will forever wave the Angel>Buffy flag.