
I'm not sure Roy was ever well integrated into the team as Sara. Also, we did see Roy being introduced to the team when he started his training with Oliver.

It didn't occur to me because Roy left town, and it didn't seem like Slade would be all the interested in chasing after him considering all the other stuff he had going on what with telling Laurel about the Arrow, hijacking a bus full of criminals, kidnapping Thea etc. I thought it was a well-done fakeout.

I did too. I only realized it when they showed a person's head and I was like wait, "could it be Roy? Please don't let it be Roy!" And I was like no no no, please no…and blam.

As long they keep her away from Black Canary territory.

He took out that one villain with one punch. He shot the other one in Sarah's perch. He's had a few moments.

By Jupiter's katana!

Well, now I just want Manu to show up on the Walking Dead with Katana in hand and he and Michonne will be katana-buddies.

Yeah, that's going to be one that will be hard to swallow.

That doesn't really matter as to her importance to the show. I think that's all negotiations etc. I wouldn't read much into that. Colin Donnell was in the main cast credits and that didn't work out to well for him

I think most watch for the Oliver Queen/Green Arrow story and what surrounds that. As an avowed Laurel not fan, I watch in spite of her presence because everything else about it is so great. So far her presence hasn't been enough to drive me away.

Ugh. I have to say , I very nearly threw my remote at the TV with that scene. First, Laurel was clearly in love with idea of the Arrow without regard to who was under the hood from the get go. So for me, her whole "I was drawn to you for some reason" implying that it was because it was Ollie didn't really work for

I think that would be worse than it being poorly pronounced.

It's just really getting started how could it be worse? I mean he did change a lot from Mirakuru. I'm not following what is making it worse.

Yeah, they were a bit too smug for me. And it really annoyed me when Penny was all in Felicity's face with the 'you know who HE is". Well, the person in the costume is pretty damn big and strong and is unlikely to be a she(not that it shouldn't be a woman but unlikely and it's not a robot) so I thought that was kind

Emily's tweets are esoteric and wonderful

You know who would blend in perfectly with Arrow. Enver. Doing anything. Make it happen, Arrow.

Ah, yes. The old "you must not watch to think this show sucks" argument. I watched the first 3 episodes and it was terrible. I check in occasionally and I watched the episode with the Hydra twist with Ward, which was interesting but not near enough to make it appointment viewing nor even DVR worthy. I'll catch it on

That was great and just so Felicity

Me three.

All Hail Illyria