
Heh! I actually liked that episode quite a bit.

Sadly, she is going to be on Agents of SNORE. :(

Apologize to Cersei for that

When did she suddenly have that much power that the DA is just going to back down. Surely there is more to that story than meets the eye.

To be fair, your comment didn't shout sarcasm

Are you telling me Angel in that horrible leather jacket and Spike riding behind him on that scooter didn't do it for you?


I love Quentin. He's so great and I swear they would lose so much if they kill him off. It would be awful. Worse than losing Tommy.

I'm not sure I would believe two lying liars that lie about Roy being so down and out that he went without a fight.

It was perfect. I loved it.

I think B- is a bit harsh. This was a solid B to B+.

Oh please. Amy Acker wins that contest on every conceivable level.

They better not.

I'm really new to SPN like only in the past 6 months or so and I am totally invested. I don't know if mainlining it gives me a different perspective or because it's really so new to me that the retreads or callbacks don't bother me as much. All I know is I love these boys and I am all in til the wheels fall off Baby.

I think it's more like a course-correction to get us back on track.

I think it's impossible at this point.

I can buy that rationale. Good call.

Swan Song would have been the perfect series end if they had actually sent both of them to hell and not used Adam to take the place of Dean in the fight. (I'm not bitter at all).

I disagree that this season has been nearly the mess of s6. I thought it was fairly well established from the beginning of the season that Dean and Sam would be having issues because of the possession thing with Gadreel and Sam. Cas was going to be on his own, sadly, dealing with the angels. They haven't forgotten

If anything, I think Carver is trying to set right what went wrong in s6 and lesser so in s7. I thought s6 was a mess despite having some very good single episodes, I thought it lost it's way with Dean and Sam who are the heart of the show. So whilst some of it might seem like retreading old material I think it's