Didn't see Lastpass on the list, but they support two factor auth. I'm sure there are other password storage apps that do also.
Didn't see Lastpass on the list, but they support two factor auth. I'm sure there are other password storage apps that do also.
I keep trying others, but always come back to Remember the Milk. The IFTTT and dozens of ways it notifies you (currently using DM tweets and email myself) is awesome. But the single biggest reason I love it is the gadget install in GMail so all my upcoming or late tasks are right in my face. Even Google's own lame…
I bought this a year ago to replace an aging Linksys WRT54G (also running DD-WRT) and haven't looked back since! I have never had to ever reboot this thing it is so rock solid. I too highly recommend this (or any of the Buffalo brand routers).
The Virginia Department of Transportation has very fine tuned RSS feeds for just about any type of notice. I usually travel via mass transit, but on days I drive I turn on a recipe that takes new RSS entries for my specific area and forwards them to Pushover. This is super handy on bad weather days for avoiding bad…
I use IFTTT for weather stuff all day long (weather junkie). It's awesome that NOAA and the NWS has such fine tuned RSS feeds and combining Pushover for the severe stuff is great. If something bad is going down my smartphone goes crazy to alert me!
Regarding Item#s 4 & 9 check out to see if Freecycle is in your area. Then you can get rid of just about anything (dead electronics and appliances are popular) and also receive/swap children's clothing for free.
Laser for sure.
I use Trigger (formerly called NFC Tasker) which usually is used with NFC tags, but they added tasking based on time, charging, geolocation, calendar events, headset, battery level, bluetooth and WiFi, so take your pick for the trigger event. It's fairly simple to setup tasks based on these triggers.
Ball makes plastic mason jar lids. They don't have handles, but may be safer than a metal lid and you can still to the drawer handle option.
Just setup recuring tasks in your favorite task manager. I use Remember the Milk to send me a email when the bills are due (not just credit cards). When I pay the bill I mark the task complete so I also have a record of what is paid.
Many of the highly obscure pre-built formulas are missing in LibreOffice and Google Docs. So typically what happens is complex spreadsheets will give errors when converted/opened in those programs. For the most part the most common functions are the same in all three so basic spreadsheets usually convert fine.
Thanks for including LibreOffice and Google Drive in the mix as the whole world doesn't always revolve around Excel :)
Regarding Item#6: If you save a "draft" to a empty circle Google+ will flag the post as being shared to "limited". You can re-share to other circles and your extended circles, but Public will not be an option.
If traveling abroad try to find maps that list places in both your native language and the one of the country you are visiting. Many travel guide stores sell these. I lived in Korea for a year and having a map with Korean place labels (in Kanji) as well as English versions was a godsend when you pull over to ask…
They have never supported SOPA and had a petition website setup against it.
Here Here. I deploy cellular devices as part of my job and these (currently the Casio G'Zone Ravine 2) are almost indestructible. The folks I deploy these to go down into muddy ditches, hang out in the rain and drop these things left and right. One even managed to drop it down into a storm drain. It landed in water at…
I was going to say use an old smartphone that doesn't have cell service (WiFi only) as a remote.
True, but the way Flickr works is you have a default license you chose and unless you change it for individual photos, it remains the same across the board. I respect Creative Commons licensing so that's why I include it when I use photos from others.
Something I've used in the Google Play Store successfully is look for people in my Google+ circles who have +1 the app and then ask them (the store will show you on the app page as long as you are logged into Google). It helps that I follow a lot of Android geeks on Google+. I know I get asked by followers about apps…