
Ha reading this now at work on a Dell e6500! That too is the best, but also an expensive laptop compared to the Inspiron series. Dell does make a good product usually.

Using an Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop from 2006! It's running Ubuntu 12.10 and runs circles around another newer Windows laptop I own. It has the best keyboard of any laptop I've ever used. It can view or record and playback HDTV (via TV tuner stick) and runs MythTV, XBMC, and Plex just fine. I crunch video on it with

If you use the app LightFlow on your phone, this upgrade will cause it to crash on GMail. Hopefully they will fix that fast.

I love tiny houses. Two good blogs for checking out ideas on space options are (run by Derek Diedricksen of Tiny Yellow House fame....if you hang out on Make Magazine's site, you probably know him) and

My expereience with the RSS trigger at ifttt is hit or miss. I've tried setting up a few and sometimes it never reads the feed for new items. Seems prevelent with feeds that use FeedBurner to get you there.

VOTE: NewsBlur

Love Evernote. Remember that text in photos and PDFs are also searchable making it a nice place to store stuff like that. Use to intergrate tons more in there. Also, I recommend a good scanning app on your mobile device that connects to Evernote so you can scan printed text (and it becomes searchable) into

Pretty much how I've done it all along!

Give it away on You don't even need to leave the house usually.

And if you don't know what the command is then what? :(

No it wouldn't. The feed screw is plastic and the mixer doesn't have the power it would need.

I have all these attachments except the ravioli maker so here are my notes on what works and what doesn't:

I was speaking about features mostly. I agree, of all podcast apps, I love Downcast the best and wished they actually had an Android version as well as a stand alone desktop version. Get some cloud syncing and that would be podcast heaven!

Couple of things since I use both OSes:

Vote: Ubuntu's Dash

Nah, nothing good on :P

Home related:

307! Yes......I have a problem, I know. I need some therapy for this addiction to apps.

The salad bar is also great if you are making a small amount of stir fry. Grab a few pre-cut veggies and throw in a protein and you are good to go on a quick stir fry meal.

A lot of the major cable TV providers and telephone companies offer their subscribers free Wi-Fi that is often in a place that you could sit and get work done (office lobbies, some regular restaurants, etc.). It's always worth a look to see what is nearby on their locator maps. You may find a really quiet place to