All perfect tasks to setup as recurring in Remember the Milk! It's the only way I can remember to do these other than flipping the mattress each sheet change.
All perfect tasks to setup as recurring in Remember the Milk! It's the only way I can remember to do these other than flipping the mattress each sheet change.
True. The people I know that drink Americanos also drink coffee from bad mini-marts :)
To get the same amount you would make an Americano which is a shot of espresso with hot water added. Makes the equivalent "cup" of coffee (which is 8oz by world standards) and tastes better due to less bitterness from the caffeine.
All you need to know about coffee: []
It contains less actually something like 80mg versus 200mg. Espresso contains more of the oils on the outside of the bean and does not leach as much caffeine out of the beans as drip coffee does when the water sits in the grounds waiting to filter through.
I stumbled across Screenpresso which integrates with Evernote, Twitter and Facebook and many other online services. It has basic editing included and there is a free and premium version. I like the history function so I can take a lot of screen shots for training material all at once and then go back and edit and save…
Personally I'd stay away from this advice for a number of reasons. This may work in a few cases, and that is the point I get from the article, but there are a number of problems. First if you put the foil on the positive side much like what is shown, you would short the positive terminal to the case which is negative.…
The Chrome app is nowhere near as good as the desktop client. The desktop client marks read/unread and that is the killer feature for me. The reason I haven't abandoned Tweetdeck on Linux is because updating is almost instantaneously and it auto throttles the number of API requests so you don't go over your limit per…
I've been using Tweetdeck, but they no longer support Linux so installing it is not for the faint of heart, but it can be done. You need to install the older version 0.38.2 and it's not a packaged PPA.
Geez where to start? I have several tool boxes/bags each built for different things:
If you use Ubuntu Linux and Ubuntu One cloud service use the Ubuntu App on Android to auto-upload any photos or videos. Works great and your pics are waiting for you when you get home. It's a nice alternative to Dropbox and everything is free (up to 5G of cloud space). There is a Ubuntu One Windows client as well.
I've had good success with using a small 1.5 quart Crockpot and a lamp timer. The night before I add regular oats at a ratio of 1 - 2 of water (ie: 1 cup oats to 2 cups water). Then add in any dried fruit like raisins and a bit of honey for sweetness. Then set the lamp timer to turn the thing on 2 hours before getting…
Interesting...the phone part came from (which still works). I point people to that site all the time that ask me what phone they should buy.
You can interface Thunderbird with Exchange if IMAP is setup, but like you stated "proper Exchange support" is not really there.
Local clients have the advantage of offline use or multiple email accounts in one inbox. Also (in the case with Thunderbird/Ubuntu) you get a desktop indicator of new mail without having the web page open. Other than that, yup, no use for a client.
If you share a Google Doc through the emailed link they do not need an account. That does set the sharing for Public with link only though.
The temperature of the Crock Pot is too high for most Sous-Vide cooking. Somewhere I saw a hack that used the Crock Pot and a temperature controller to turn the Crock Pot on and off to maintain a lower temperature. Not sure where I saw that though.
I've tried the web client and the Chrome app (pretty much the same) and the one thing lacking that makes the Air version of Tweetdeck so awesome is the ability to mark what is seen. I've tried Turpial on Linux and it's nice...but still no mark as seen feature. That feature is useful when I'm coming and going all day…
No Linux love huh. I sure hope they do get this, sans Air, running on Linux because trying to get an install running these days on Linux is a pain since Adobe dropped Air support (you have to load an older version).
I didn't think the hooks into G+ are there yet and that is the holdup of third party apps. Maybe I'm wrong.