
Sorry, I didn't mean 4" as a hard and fast rule. I'm with you on the .3s and that's probably what I meant more than "Keep everything under 4" or you suck!"

Agreed! :)

Fair enough, but, the point still stands! It's pronunciation and unrelated to tech. They'd say the same thing when referring to a can of Coke. Methinks Mr. G-Fresh just despises Apple and Ive.

That's how Brits talk, it's got nothing to do with technology.

This is the thinking I'm going with in regards to the films. I think that 1st class is meant to stand on its own and start X-Men over while keeping some people involved. I mean, really, besides Steward and McCellan, who can people see playing those roles? And Hugh Jackman was made for Wolverine so we can't complain

Ha. That's cute. Get to class, kid, you're tardy.

That's what I figure as well.

OK, I'll shoot at you with a gun and you use an arrow or spear. Let's see who wins.

Exactly. I figure since the film didn't require him to show his then they just didn't bother with the makeup for that scene. The bank scene was probably filmed on a different day.

They obviously didn't show that in the movie, but, wonder why he wasn't in makeup for that scene.


And you're an idiot, as far as I'm concerned.

How did you come up with peel clementines...?

This is one instance where I really, really hope the show strays from the book because that was a brutal issue and I was none too pleased.

You win.

The retina one makes sense since they did more or less coin the term. Game center is far more generic and shouldn't have been issued. Though, I can't really remember anyone else using it either so perhaps it's not that big of an issue.

I think Target is having a sale on tissues so you can wipe those tears away!

Hey, I'll be the first one to agree with you that the prices for things such as upgraded RAM or hard drives is complete bullshit. I own a MacBook Air and two Mac minis (have also had a tower and other notebooks which I've just sold to get the fancy new ones) so I'm an Apple guy all the way (though I do appreciate