
Thank you. Jesus H. Christ, this is a completely foreign concept to some people. And, honestly, they wouldn't have bought an iMac in the first place but they need something to bitch about related to Apple today and voila, here they have it.

You mean how every other PC manufacturer sells upgrades through their stores at a premium? It's what they all do (and it's all bullshit) but no, that guy's point isn't bullshit. As I said to the OP, you wanna tinker, go get yourself an ugly tower and slum it with that.

What do you expect from a product that is two inches thick?! Exactly what are your expectations, really? This isn't '97 where everything was a giant tower with nothing but space in it. The trend for the iMac has been to become more condensed and thinner, that means that you're not going to be able to just pop off a

Your face is ridiculous!

It's my default view.

Good catch. Funny.

That's funny because I haven't had a single kernel panic on any of my 5 Macs of the years since 10.4 and that was because of the Camino browser. Sounds like you were fucking around with something or had an unstable program installed and caused the problem. OS X is solid as a rock, champ.

I think you're seeing dust on the phone 'with' the case. It collects in the cases and when you pull it off it's all specked and dirty.

For fuck's sake can you put in some "SPOILER ALERT" things just in case. I've gotten through 3 books, but, that little blurb about Jon was obviously not in there! I swear if you just ruined this for me, I will smite you!

Awww, pobrecita... Did I get under your skin because I called you out on your weak, hipsterized, "This isn't original" comment? Sorry, princess.

Commenters like you are so annoying. "Oh god, they turned left on Main St instead of right like they do in the comics! Epic fail!" Get over yourself. The comics, for as fun as they are to read, aren't exactly groundbreaking material when it comes to writing, storytelling, and dialog. The books are good, the show is

That is a beautiful clock but I can't justify the price given that the 9.99 on my wall from Target is just as well designed. It is amazing what attention to detail can yield though.

A few years ago somehow we were able to sign up for a Technet account and get serials from them for Windows and Office. I still use them today, don't bet on this being blacklisted.

Their balance sheet says yes. The screaming hordes on Gizmodo who deepthroat Android do not.

I must be the luckiest iPhone user in history because all this shit people discover never happens to me. That being said, I don't use iTunes to backup, I just use iCloud. No problems on that front, last backup was this morning at 8:01.

I know, it's a sad, sad state we're in on that front... I wasn't referring to IQ though, I just meant tech users. We're all tech users to some degree but we on this board are generally more advanced than the normals I was referring to.

I got through book 3 in about 3 weeks. Step your game up! :)


I'm not, but plenty of people are. Plenty of people will also just have the app open as they walk, focusing on the words and not necessarily on the world behind them onscreen.

Agreed. Not everyone is that smart though.