
Sick burn, bro.

Stop trying to push the idea that because this is a tech blog it matters everywhere. I said nobody cares because the general public 'generally' doesn't care/know/understand what NFC is. Ask a normal person and you're likely to get a response somewhere along the lines of "It's a NFL conference." Get out of your bubble

Not buying it. See other comment to a responder.

I'm still not buying into that either. It's going to be a fringe thing for the people who read this and other sites for some time before 'the normals' get into it. You really do look like a tool wearing those things (Larry Page's pictures as reference). Google makes all these things they think people will like but missed the point, probably because you're just WAY too smart for me and the rest of the country! Mensa needs you now.

I really, really don't like this augmented reality thing. Do you really want to walk around like an asshole with your phone held out in front of you staring at it and what's onscreen as opposed to what is actually in front of you? You could distracted reading something and then miss a step off the curb for instance.

This week's episode (which io9 hasn't recapped!) made her just absolutely awful. They've totally screwed that character up at this point.

Our city is a Utopia and the only place where Maps works, sir/madam. In the World Capital of the Planet, New York, it's not perfect and is therefore The Worst (c). And, since Apple Maps is also on Android phones, all those fuckwads know exactly how it is and isn't as well!

Like I said, no taste. Those things are fucking hideous. To each their own, I guess, but those are gross.

That's cool. It's also super awesome that you had to direct me to a website just to find this stuff since I don't see it being pushed. Look, nerd, you can bring out all the facts and stuff that you want but it's just not a widely used feature yet even if things are available. I know it gets you off that the iPhone

Where do you live? LA hasn't adopted any of this stuff at places that matter and it's a huge city in the country. So, your area may have it, but, when major cities in the country don't, the technology just isn't there and not important enough to care about. Sorry.

'tis a bold statement to say you're better educated than I am. If you were being sarcastic, I totally missed it due to statements like yours coming from people who are absolutely dead serious when they type it out.

All those NFC-enabled places across the country sure do make me wish it were in my iPhone! Nobody cares, dude. Get over it. Go rub yourself raw with your Android and let everyone that doesn't have an Android live their lives. NFC is fledgling tech right now, regular consumers don't care about it. Sorry, champ.

It could be - and will be, no one's debating that - but right now it's fledgling tech at best and the only people that really care are the super nerds that read tech sites. Average Consumer A has zero idea about it and they won't for years. And, unfair as it may be, they probably won't until Apple releases it in an

It's going to be brutal and the people that don't know are going to be at Ned's head level of sads.

I think the bigger reason is that AMC didn't want to show a kid shooting his mom (although they showed him shooting Shane). But, you never know. I certainly thought that prisoner was dead and look what happened. If you think about it, Rick is directly responsible for all this - didn't kill the guy on his own, he

I don't want to see that.... :(

Oh, yeah, it's not even a contest. Numbers is just so horrendously slow it's unusable. I like the idea of it - I enjoy it on my iPad - but they've just not devoted enough resources to make it a good options. I think for most people, it's not a bad option but my job requires extensive Excel use and I make pivot tables