
Keynote kills Powerpoint, particularly on the desktop. I'd still use it over PP. But, Excel rules all for spreadsheets.

"NFC is so popular! How could Apple have left it out of the iPhone 5? They're doomed! They're so behind! Grarrgh!" - Every Gizmodo Poster Who Makes Out with Their Android Phone

I couldn't follow Malkin for even a minute because she's so terrible. I also can't follow her anyway since she blocked me a couple years ago. :) Shockingly enough, Ann Coulter didn't say anything overly offensive tonight. I guess that's progress.

I don't pretend to know all of the ins and outs of developing (despite working for a software company haha) but this isn't the first app that Apple has reprimanded or rejected due to accessing APIs that weren't meant to be available. At the end of the day, this API is iOS 5 wasn't available but they made it available

Well, you're more than welcome to leave, princess.

Well, at least you openly admit you'd take it even by cheating. Douchebag.

They were using private APIs in iOS 5 which is why it's now only iOS 6 compatible. Hey, bang up job with the research there, team. You guys really can be incompetent sometimes.

Florida was won in 2000 by less than 600 votes...yes, your vote does matter.

:) Don't take it too seriously, I was just being a dick for a moment since all these guys do is whine and complain about how the world is so unfair to them! I did get the obligatory "are you a kid" comment though, so, I was proud that that happened!

And Google didn't invent the smartphone OS; Chevy didn't invent the car; Microsoft didn't invent the desktop. What's your point? That if someone isn't the first to market with a new product or invention, everyone after that should be dismissed? I love how butthurt everyone is because their team isn't the one that used

Fair enough, good reasoning.

Haha at least you're honest :)

I'm fairly ambivalent to the entire thing, actually. If someone stole, they stole, if they didn't, they didn't. I was just being ridiculous for the sake of it earlier. You guys can have your androids, I'll have my iPhone, no one is worse for the wear. I really just crack up at how hard the android camp bitches and

I agree, some of the patent things are ridiculous. But these guys act like Apple got into its position with the iPhone purely because of litigation. Sorry, they blew the industry up with the iPhone and have the largest mindshare amongst normal people in the world because it's a good phone. Reading all the whining and

I totally agree. I love reading the comments just for the nerd rage and the fact they can't think outside their bubbles. This is literally like a live version of Nick Burns: Your Company's Computer Guy sketches from SNL.

Sorry, but do you really think all the people that are buying iPhones and iPads are "die hards?" If so, you're mistaken. The people are buying them in spades despite cheaper options out there because it's a better product. This thing will probably sell out and sell boatloads. Seems as though people made the same exact

I'm really trying to figure out who is worse: hipsters or geeks. "OMG you guys, this is, like, so old. I've moved onto SuperProductA now. I can't believe you're just now discovering this."

Not at all, my friend. But, the reactions this news will elicit pretty much reflect what I said. Now, perhaps you can come back with a neater 'burn'? I was being ridiculous for the sake of being ridiculous, you just went for a standard "Are you a teenager" response. Hooray for you!
