
And all of the Android fans finish up their circle jerk by giving each other facials. Was it good for you guys? Are you relieved? I'm sure you're still trembling because of this ruling!

I'll ask all my graphic design friends then and get back to you. Didn't know you had the monopoly on 'knowledge' here. And Windows is the embodiment of mediocre, dude, don't kid yourself.

Really? I'd have to check it out again. I just remember it not being 'major' per se.

No, but they didn't show it in the books either. They just left him to his own devices. But, Morgan tells Rick that his wife had the fever, it killed her, and she came back. So, Jim had the fever and would've died eventually and they'd have put him down.

Pretty sure he ended up being ripped apart. You don't scream like that if you're running in circles from those guys. You scream like that when you're bitten and ripped open.

I really hope they don't do anything and kill T-Dog. Not that I'm attached to the character, but, it'd seem a waste to bring him all this way and have that guy end up killing him. Hell, in the end, Merle may not have even needed to cut his damn hand off. It was obvious when they went back to check for him that the

Jim in the first season was scratched. Developed a fever and they left him on the side of the road.

No, you could hear that guy screaming as he got ripped to pieces when Rick closed the door. He's just a leftover snack now.

*ba dum bum*

Yeah, not happening. The other commenter here pointed out that Kirkman wishes he hadn't because it ends up limiting the story and what you can do with Rick.

Nobody cares.

Twitter and Tumblr daily. Google+ I try to keep up with but I forget about it since they haven't opened up any APIs for people (Twitter, Tumblr, etc) to program into for auto-posting. Instagram nearly daily as well. I've cut back on Facebook since I find the people I know on there fairly boring. So, that's it.

Switch Microsoft with Apple and this entire commenting system would melt under the nerd rage. Instead, it's just a regular ol' discussion. Hypocrites.

Man, all those ad shops in Hollywood must've missed the memo! All my photography and video friends must've missed it too!

Hey, Comic Book Guy, yes, I have read the comics. I'm up to 101 right now, so, anything else smug you'd like to say?

Sounds like you need to hit the gym, champ!

Haha, you must be from 1993!

Uh, it's got everything to do with fanboyism and wanting things to be the exact same as the comics. That's all any and all of you guys are doing - whining because it's not a word for word adaptation and you feel hurt by it. It's not like the dialog or character dev is stellar in the books, it's all pretty stale and

That was so, so gross.

I think it's not worth upgrading just based on price right now. Similar to the first MacBook Air - way too expensive but really, really neat in design and such. As economies of scale kick in, it'll make more sense. In a few years - assuming I don't do what I normally, unreasonably do and trade my 2011 MBA in for a