
God, you missed the point of this article.

Hahah, touché.

I just met April O'Neill this weekend in Echo Park. :) She wasn't wearing the yellow jumpsuit though.

I don't think you understand how many people around the world watch porn.

You're an idiot.

Haha, wow, what a lot of words amounting to essentially nothing. Hey man, the Microsoft and Android forums are elsewhere. Have fun!

I'm not dismissing the issues Apple Maps is having - they're obviously real, no one is Photoshopping that stuff to make a point - but the app isn't that bad, as far as I'm concerned. So far, I've used it on the east and west coast without any problems. I've also punched in general terms (art supplies, Berlin

Crude humor is fine if it's clever and/or actually funny. What you said wasn't by any means either.

I've never watched the show but someone posted this clip the other day on Tumblr and, yeah, it's beautiful.

I love how some of these people are commenters on this story!

Who says shit like this? Have you been up from the basement lately? Jesus christ.

First, since Jason and those guys left, the writing on this site has already been pretty bad. I come here because even though the writing is below average now, it's funnier and more entertaining than Engadget. But, enough is enough. Most of you weren't even there when the site stole Apple's iPhone, does Nick Denton

psst... Waze on the iPhone is free and has spoken turn-by-turn. I actually used it more than the regular Maps app.

Siri was released then but he wasn't impressed with it by any means from what I'd read. They brought it to him, he tried it once, and then put the phone down. I maintain that it probably wouldn't have been pushed so aggressively if he had been in full health at the release of iOS 5. They could've billed it as a growth

Actually, I used the maps app last night to get from Boston to bowdoin college without any issue - it told me about the roundabouts and the turn offs per expectation. Is the app perfect? Obviously not according to users and hysterical people sick as yourself, but, it'll probably work just fine for most people in the

Sonofabitch, Leslie! The Statue of Liberty just isn't rendered in 3D, it's not gone! You can clearly see it from the aerial view.

Me too, it was so weird. I just rebooted the phone, turned wifi off and then on, and it was back to normal. Effing weird bug/scenario/whatnot. do know that all the flat images just means they're bits and pieces they haven't rendered in 3D, right?

You've made me spit out my water with your commentary...

Well, that was a brutal read.