
Now, we all know that's not true. :)

You were doing so well until you mentioned "cult." Not - I repeat, NOT - every single person that's ever bought an iPhone is a blind fan. You also need to remember - the shit that is listed in that picture above is mostly important to geeks and readers of this site, not everyone in the world with a smart phone.

So, NFC is pretty much the one thing people bashing the iPhone have latched onto, eh? Newsflash - no one in the US cares. Get over yourself, the spec wars are over.

Ahhh....see, it all comes together - you're not in the US and I thought you were! So, a US user complaining about it wouldn't make much sense. Elsewhere in the world where NFC is more prevalent, yes, it could be looked at as an oversight.

How many places, pray tell, can you even use NFC in the US? Does this even matter? The days of the spec wars are over, dude. Just because you can cram a boatload of shit - which most people rarely even use - into a phone doesn't mean you should. You're so hellbent on finding something to bitch about you're just

Man, you are way off. The other replies here sum it all up - no one forces you to buy every new model of phone that comes out. It's not "screwing you over" by any means outside of GeekLand where every new thing must have every new feature/function. Sorry to break it you but geeks are still the minority in consumer

Why is everyone that buys an iPhone a sheep, you fucking dimwit? Is my friend whose never owned an apple product and recently got an iPhone a sheep? What did her having an android before make her? I'll answer for you since you're too stupid to come up with something truthful: it made her a consumer.

You must be proud of yourself and your cleverness! This adds so much to the conversation! Douchebag.

OK, fair enough, I can understand your point there. Sure it's a bummer to have to pay for something like this but I don't think we as consumers should have this sense of entitlement that it should be made available just because it's inconvenient.

'Twas an implication, sir. Your assertion of nickel and diming makes it sound like these things should just be handed out like Skittles and free for all the children in the land!

yeah! All unsubsidized phones are around the same cost! Hurrah!

I didn't sidestep anything, it's a pointless question to ask. It doesn't invalidate the original poster's whining just because Apple sold more iPhones than God. I'm sure the #2 phone's accessories market would adapt and there'd be connectors as well. I don't know what the #2 phone is because I don't care, I use an

Well, heaven forbid that someone makes a change to a connector! Let's all just stick with the old PS/2 connectors on computers! They worked, why change?!

I was unaware that a for-profit company should just give you, you entitled consumer, a connector for your gadget. Please, do tell us all of one phone manufacturer that just gives away connectors for their new devices to make them backwards compatible.

How original. Troll.

You're dumb.

Yeah, I wouldn't say this is totally unique to Apple in any way. It's a lot of the same stuff I saw in our sales/marketing classes in school. It's just above the ABC (always be closing) stuff.

You are really spectacularly wrong.

hahaha...I'm stealing that comeback...