
Oh, because every single person that buys a Windows PC jumps in and mods it out? I don't think you're quite sure of what you're saying. All the millions of PCs sold are not being modified and most people don't care about the internals there either.

Hahaha how are those cargo jeans treating you, clown? No skinny jeans are supporting a 4.7" phone and you still LOOK like a fucking idiot. So, how about that, douchebag?

Haha wow. Well played, sir.


It was in the prison.

Likely because it would've destroyed battery life trying during use since this was their first crack at it with the mini. The battery will improve the next go round and it'll be there. It's the same reason the original iPhone didn't have 3G (batteries then were terrible) and the 4/4S didn't have '4G' - battery life

Except that Google didn't want to put it into iOS maps and therefore caused Apple to boot them early and replace it. But, hey, you know, facts.

I haven't downloaded the app yet but I had a funny experience with both yesterday (Maps and then I was looking for a locksmith in the area I was in - Maps sent me to a place that had closed and Google didn't even have one within 3 miles. I stopped at a liquor store to ask, there was one two blocks

PS - I don't actually think you're a bitch or whatever it was I said, that's called being sarcastic and playing down to the level of your competition. Just because I said the iPhone was a good phone and pointed out reasons Apple is doing well doesn't make me a fanboy. Just because you can't accept another's opinion

I really miss when we could ban people on these boards.

Haha and you're a dumb fucking idiot with nothing better to do. Bitch. See how that works? I can be a belligerent dick too.

Hahaha pobrecita... Would you like a tissue? Your favorite blanky? How about some warm milk and some chocolate chip cookies?

Jeez...where to begin, clown...

Yeah, but it really is, champ. It's greatly designed and features that are equal to or better than other competitor's phones. The experience with the OS and hardware is probably the best marriage of the two out of any phone. (Save me your "Android can do this!" BS, you're missing the point) Just because it wasn't

No, actually.

Unfortunately, this discussion is going to turn into a giant circle-jerk by the Android folks as opposed to an commentary on the patents themselves as evidenced by some of the comments already.

I think that 'technically' we could all get by with one device - it's not like that WASN'T what we were doing prior to 2010 and the iPad. And, since phones and tablets all have the same or very similar apps to use on them both the argument for needing both is one that's rooted in "want" and not "need." If one REALLY

Well, you've found the ceiling of my knowledge and understanding. Here I was thinking that every single flat, touchscreen device was a phone no matter the size! Argh, I should just deactivate my account!

I wouldn't say it's more judging as in "That guy obviously has no clue about ______" but more of a questioning of their tastes. It's the same as if someone walks into a bar with a bright pink Hypercolor shirt and boots with tassles. It's a bit odd and it stands out and makes you wonder. If you're somehow magically