
200 for the iPhone and 200 for GSIII sure seem like the same exact price to me! God, do you fucking nerds take every goddamn word completely literally - subsidized phones are GENERALLY the same price but there ARE differences across brands and that's never been in dispute. My larger point was that people think iPhones

Hey, so, you're a fucking moron. Good luck with that.

Awww, how cute, fucktard. As I stated, they're the same price "give or take" and every smart phone is hundreds of dollars more off-contract than on (obviously). Sorry I happened to leave one single word out of my post, princess.

Do you idiots realize what you're saying when you say shit like, "The iPhone is so much more expensive than _____ phone!" You don't, do you? Smart phones (unless discounted for a weekend or holiday) are generally 199, 299, and 399 on contract. This is regardless of the brand. Some are even 99. Unlocked and off

I had an old, used original iPhone that I used for a remote for my iTunes and my computer. I used it in the gym too since it held music and all that. They're useful as slightly high-powered iPods if you're no longer using it as your main phone.

Hey, do me a favor and go find the unlocked prices for the Galaxies, Nexuses, and Droids. Let me know how much those are off contract.

Not everyone owns boatloads of cash like you apparently do AND their "pricey" phones are the same price as every other smart phone. So, not sure where you're pulling this "pricey" thing from other than your ass.

Hey there. I actually just meant it in a very general sense as in: if Apple cut someone off from their system, the world would explode from the Android rage. But you're right, my wording wasn't that great.

Where doesn't it work in iOS?

Hello, sir. While I think my wording was wonky, I wasn't referring to any one specific app or program not working. I meant to say that if Apple had blocked another company's app from working or something like that, the entire commenting system here would melt from the heat of the Android torches and pitchforks.

But, if some other tech company - perhaps one whose name was that of a fruit - did this, the site would explode and the nerdrage boners would at full mast. Hilarious.

I really, really don't understand the love for these hideously designed little leftover parts piles. Are you that conditioned by decades of the shit Dell and HP churned out to think these were usable machines? We have phones and tablets that can do more comprehensive shit on them then these could and you're crying

You must not be very bright...

I hope you say that about every other phone that doesn't have a stupid slot for an SD card or uses/used their own connector. Otherwise, we know you're just saying it to be cool and diss Apple.*

I don't think he's actually ever used an iPhone.

Please explain how a MacBook Air is useless. You're going to have to backup your dumb fucking comments with actual facts, sparky.

I'm glad you took care of this as I was about to as well. What a bizarre original post...

Oh, because every single person that buys a Windows PC jumps in and mods it out? I don't think you're quite sure of what you're saying. All the millions of PCs sold are not being modified and most people don't care about the internals there either.

Hahaha how are those cargo jeans treating you, clown? No skinny jeans are supporting a 4.7" phone and you still LOOK like a fucking idiot. So, how about that, douchebag?

Haha wow. Well played, sir.