
Yeah, this new one is certainly the worst version of their comments. I still fail to see what was so bad about the original system with very clear conversations, thumbs up/down, stars, etc.

You've literally provided the most concise comment on these forums in the last three days. These people who are crying about this because they've got a hard-on for hating Apple and think the world is going to fall apart need to read your comment.

You're so cool! Enjoy your boycott!

You're effing insane.

So, you really have no answer then. If you're going to try to rip the author, better be prepared with a better response than "Google it" or else what little shred of credibility you had disappears. Answer jprefect.

Are you high?

You are so far off and incorrect it's laughable...

Oh, that Game of Thrones info just got me going for the morning! Can't wait for that line to be fleshed out.


A bit petty, don't you think?

Woohoo! 1% fake; 13% inactive; 86% good.

You are who facepalms were made for.

Yeah, I've got no idea what they're talking about.... It doesn't even take 3 seconds, let alone 30. The only way it's not instantaneous is if you use that stupid CTRL button trick to slow down the animations.

*diverse areas in the state

Really? Really? Motorola was working on the next RAZR for fuck's sake, don't try to diminish how badly the original iPhone carpetbombed the industry with its design because you want it to fit a narrative.

I think it's become more of a common saying as people have gotten away from the original meaning. Not that it really matters, language evolves.

This song will literally never get old.

I don't remember it all that well. I've actually really liked Lion's gestures and some of the layout so I don't have any complaints, really. Well, other than the goddamn calendar skin which someone made a utility to streamline and make look nice. I do remember SL being pretty solid though.

I dunno... Tablet design before and after the iPad shows it's pretty obvious that these guys are ripping off the "look and feel" of them. The only difference I saw in the older prototypes was that it was thicker, the design of the front, bezel, and even shape all pretty much remain intact.