
Apple buying up a company for their software or pushing functionality isn't a bad thing. Companies do it all the time and it's generally in their best interest.

I love their reviews for things. They're so wonderfully in depth. Giz (and Gawker) is now more concerned with page views and impressions delivered than anything else so it's all about misleading/inflammatory headlines and shit writing. It's gone way downhill in the last year and change. Oh well, still entertaining

Sure, now. But, the statements above make it seem like v1 had borrowed from Android when we all know isn't the case whatsoever.

You must've missed the stuff from last week where the basic design for the iPad and iPhone were done in 02-04ish. So, there's that too.

Um...what was it that Apple borrowed again...?'re an idiot.

The script for 300 was, like, 7 pages long... c'mon. It was fun. Entertaining and all that, but, incredible experiences? I'm assuming you mean visually.

I'm just going to paste this from the commenter hilbil:

I agree. Some degree of similarity will be seen everywhere, but, for eff's sake, Samsung literally doesn't even try. They've even ripped off the design of Apple's websites and stores for some of their own stuff.

Hilbil pretty much sums up the wrongness of your argument. Sorry, dude.

Thank you for being more eloquent than I am. I've seen a couple other people point out the obvious that Apple didn't "invent" tablets but they pushed them forward and now everyone is basically moving forward with the "exact" same design. Same with the phone - the Samsung Blackjack was the hot phone of the year when

I did this same kind of photo thing with phones before and after the original iPhone. It's such blatant design ripoff it's pathetic. I find it even more hilarious that people who despise Apple think it's all "trolling" and that the designs aren't being copied.

That's because they are clones! What fucking planet do you live on where you don't see this as obvious? Look at the "hot" smartphones before the iPhone and look at them immediately after. Look at any tablet before the iPad and then after. If you think they're not all blatant clones you're fooling yourself and letting

I take offense to that but good luck with your generalizations!


That's what she said.

Methinks you're trying to be funny. You're not.

Drop a pin onto the map or enter an address and above it a little popup will appear. Click the little orange guy on the left of the popup and voila.

No, and I didn't realize this was the case. I'd just seen so many comments about this supposed travesty and I wanted to ask. Anything else you'd care to ask?

That was brought up recently too. I never even think about using Maps for that. When I decided to take the bus to work more often, I didn't even remember that Maps had that information, I just found a good bus schedule app from the store. (Smart Ride, if you're interested)