
OK, that makes more sense and I can understand that argument far more in terms of usage and functionality!

I've noticed that as well. It isn't necessarily an exact placement, maybe a few feet down the way.

Fair enough, I get that. I was in Kansas City for work this week though and we had to drive all over the place to try and find BBQ and it still never dawned on either of us to bother with it.

It does seem to be the general consensus that the "new area" venturing is the time it's used. Still, I've just never bothered. The map itself works for me and I've never needed the visual representation.

OK, serious question since all you geeks keep crying about it - exactly how often do you use Street View? Seriously. Is it part of your every day searches on the map? It's not just some novelty to you? I can't tell you the last time I used it on my phone after it initially came out and it was just a mildly fun thing.

I never used Google Maps' public transit stuff here in LA. What's the point when the MTA has a decent app and SmartRide makes them both look pointless? Don't play the, "They're making it hard on us!" card. There are tons of apps for nearly every native function on any phone that allows users to move outside the

You, sir, get a promotion!

Agreed. Street view has always been a novelty to me (my FJ Cruiser was on there!) and I don't think I ever used it in a serious capacity, just some random closeup view here and there.

In that sense, yes, you're right. Street View as we know it will not be available but I think it's a bit inconceivable won't come up with their own version of the same function at some point.

Yes, that's true, beta doesn't need to be awful. But, beta is beta and there needs to be a certain level of expectation in terms of functionality and finishing touches. Most betas today don't suck and they're functional enough to get you by, but, they're still betas and one cannot expect the final product to be as

Does anyone that is bitching understand what beta means? That this was a brief preview from a conference for developers that only developers (should, generally) have?

Dude..they have a few months until it's released. Relax. Jesus Christ.

Mentioning Apple in anything (particularly with this factory) drives page views i.e. why the NY Times articles have focused almost exclusively on Apple despite Foxconn making everything under the sun. It's cool, integrity doesn't generate revenue like clicks and impressions do for websites.

Oh, cool, so beta means different things for different companies depending on the perspective and who you prefer. Thanks for clearing that up.

You'd be saying the same thing if Google released a dev-preview beta and people found problems with it. It is a beta. It's for these things. Siri was a beta too (Apple shouldn't have pushed it how they did) and they've improved on with what seems to be a v1 but I could be wrong.

Find My iPhone

Yeah...Dany was pretty pointless in the second book so her changes - as pointed out by another poster below - are welcomed and needed. It actually adds to it. Sorry they're not translating word for word FOR YOU but this is damn good TV and deserves all the accolades it's wrapped up.

Hey, 1999 called, was wondering where you were.

Because our childhoods didn't suck. Sorry.

Me too! Last year at Coachella and the second time at Outside Lands in SF. Yeah, was really amazing both times though I think the Coachella set wins because of the way they did this song.