
My god...when they played this last year at Coachella, it was just an unreal feeling. 60,000 people all singing the "aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaahhhhhh..." part together is just magical. Seriously, one of the best 6 minutes of my life.

Good to know you have shit music taste!

How much free time do you have, exactly? :)

I was actually wondering what happened there... It looks like Ros makes a stabbing motion - which, AGHHH! - but I do think she just smacked the holy hell out of that girl's ass. I hope so. That's a horrible thing to have done, either way. Joffrey is a prick.

But, if someone went out, bought thousands of dollars in equipment and then made further correction on a computer, it'd be noble and bold? So, would Ansel Adams be less amazing had a point-and-shoot been used instead of his equipment? Good shot is a good shot, right?

Why wouldn't you believe it? Why would you say that there was an effect but in the same breath dismiss a report saying there was an effect?

Yeah, i don't think you actually understand that they're not some terrorist news channel just because they aired videos from terrorists. They provided some of the best coverage of the Egyptian uprising and remain neutral in their coverage. Can't pigeonhole and stereotype just because they have name that frightens you

I really, really, really need to come up with a term for nerd hipsters. Good god can you guys needlessly hate on something any more than you already are?

Well...the original was 500 and 600 and that got 1% of the global market in a single weekend. You can't point to one phone though - what if all of them were? What if PS3s and XBoxes were made here? Price would rise to protect the business' bottom line and people would still find a way to purchase them. And yes, to the

Oh....hush up now, little girl...

I got dumb one night and wikipedia'd the series...I know how most things end up, actually. Hasn't taken anything away yet so I guess I can't say that it's spoiled, per se.

I'm debating whether to read the 3rd one during this season or just wait. I believe I know what happens - a very 'colorful' event - and I think I'd want to read it before seeing it all onscreen. We shall see...

I read the book after the first season and it wasn't too much of a difference nor did it ruin it. I just finished the 2nd book this weekend, took me only a few weeks since I'm so interested in them. Finish it up, man, and don't miss the premiere!

How do you figure? Obama is plenty qualified since he put generally smart people around him as any top executive should and his ideas, long term, do help the country. Ron Paul does have some decent ideas but some of his stances are too far for me i.e. women's health and such. But, out of everyone else, no, they're not

I corrected my wording, it was inadvertent.

Talk to me on the 5th, bud.

*these people, not *the people.

I do that daily, it should just be permanent.

Do any of the people that vote Republican have any kind of grasp on reality? Not just in this context either, just in general. It's amazingly sad to see the logic and beliefs these folks have sometimes. Oh well. Cakewalk in 2012 for Obama. :)

Hey, my friend is one of the girls on there. Hope they all get a cut of it since the site started as just a Tumblr project and no one got paid.