
Wow... How badly do you want to cling to anything that isn't Apple? I'm guess you've rocked Windows since forever since Macs were "just toys," right? Man...the future is over that way, not sure why you're so content holding on for dear life to something that is literally on life support and a feeding tube right now

I agree. I never supported the notion and now we look like twits because our dumb ass owner wanted to "make a splash" in FA. He's truly clueless.

We've heard this before. Be original or take it elsewhere, dude. Nobody cares about how cool you are because you don't watch the show any longer.

And I guess Microsoft justly won their market share, right? Gimme a break, dude. Go wipe your tears on your Android tablet running whichever obsolete version of the OS they pasted onto it.

Hey, guess who cares? Nobody. Certainly not the MILLIONS of people that have bought one in the last year. So, congratulations for having all that, it's pointless.

The numbers would say otherwise, sir. Even before this new model, they were destroying everyone in their path. I think this is wishful thinking for the sake of wishful thinking.

Yes, so far, that is the only difference. So far. But, there's plenty in the books that you can't really (or, more likely, people don't have the balls to) do onscreen. I'm not going to point any of it out for people that haven't read the books but there's plenty to build from and plenty to exclude.

I've read 92 of 94 of them. How's that work for you?

Oh, so this is what hipster sci-fi geeks sound like. Seriously, you're all whining and talking about how great the original material was (it's a comic, far less restrictions on what you can show and such) and how the first season was soooooo much better and blah blah blah. Don't like it? Move along. It's a good, solid

The Nike+ app that's built-in seems to get good reviews.

I can't tell whether you're being serious or not. Siri is cool, but, she screws up and/or doesn't actually return results more often than not. It's pretty disheartening that the most I use her for is to set alarms to wake me up. No bueno.

A) No, it's not even close to the same thing and B) please google social conditioning for your answer.

psst...! It's "Gizmodo" : )

Or health reasons? How is choosing to keep a living, breathing woman alive a matter of convenience? How is that so many people believe that the value of a thing growing inside a living being is more important than the living being itself? Are you one of the folks that is all about the "child's" rights when in the womb

Correct me if I'm wrong, but, I believe Diversity was a wooden Civil War ship.

Nope, you're extracting far too much. My point is that there should not be any rules regarding what a woman chooses to do with her body whether that means having a baby or aborting the pregnancy for personal or health reasons. I'm not advocating becoming a bystander in life and never get involved in anything. I'm not

Ahem... As a native Los Angeleno, I don't appreciate this.

In some previous threads people figured it out. Jack's Teen America 15 or something along those lines. That's actually the best picture of her, she's not too attractive.

I'm not positive what you were responding to that I wrote, sorry.

Hahahah, man, I really hope you go and work for a pro-life or GOP think tank. The way you twist words around to fit whatever narrative you're choosing is absolutely hilarious and also brilliant. Pathetic as well, but, that's on you. I'm not even going to go into a "I obviously meant" kind of diatribe because you'll