
Oooh, I said a bad word so I was being 'aggressive!' Dude, regulating what a woman does with her own body - whether it be getting rid of something growing in her or not - is her own choice and business, not yours, mine, or the original poster. Also, a baby isn't a baby until it can function outside of the womb on its

Thank you!

Then leave that decision for you and your own damn kids, back the fuck up off of every other woman's vagina, and live your own life. What you feel is a bad reason for an abortion for someone else is irrelevant and makes no difference in their lives. Keep your opinions to yourself.

Read the books, Dr. Granted, all that happened much quicker in the books, but, this is all coming straight from the source material.

Yes, it is annoying, I agree. The OS should just recognize that the hard drive is now SSD and do its thing. Who the hell knows why that isn't the case since it's obviously not too difficult to get the system to recognize it after the fact.

Yes! See, if you'd have just thrown all the rest of that in, your comment would've made more sense. Yes, Apple generally uses Samsung or Fujitsu HDs and just throws their logo on them. Your original comment came off as trolling which is why I said so. That being said, their hardware is hardly overprices and/or junky

It's a legit question. I asked myself the same when I first heard about the notion of it.

Enlightening comments such as this are why you're unstarred. Go away, troll. If you read the actual article you'd see that trim is enabled on Apple-shipped machines. It needs to be enabled when you swap hard drives on your own. Consider yourself more knowledgeable, troll.

A) You have the greatest username on any Gawker site.

Please see the photo of the tigers and steer above. There'd probably be a lot less running involved though.

I'd strongly support this.

Anyone that puts a social security number on a cell phone address book contact record deserves whatever bad happens to them. A) there are apps that you can securely store that information on b) memorize it! and c) that's just an awful idea all around. I get your point - some people will do that and undoubtedly have -

Fair enough but that's nothing that can't be fixed via software updates by Apple or the app developer(s). It blows, sure, because it's happening without you knowing it, but I really personally don't have that large of an issue with this kind of thing. It's an address book, big deal. Now, if apps were figuring out how

Don't you implicitly approve an app to look through your address book when it says things like "Find Friends?" How else would Path, Touch, Twitter, Instagram, etc know who you are and aren't following? It's really not the end of the world.

That's not Chris Brown...

Oh...come off it! Go rip your CDs at lossless or use flac then and get a life. Thus argument is useless and you're just being a troll.

Someone hand this man (or woman) a star!

You really have no way to articulate your thoughts outside of sheep and insinuating that someone is a hipster, do you? I hate that your garbage comment will be promoted with my reply but you're too stupid to ignore.

And, this is why your name has a little red heart near it under my account. Rove is a complete cocksucker. Sociopath is also an acceptable definition of him.

Sorry, I totally laughed out loud to myself when I read this. Apologies, sir.