

You're ridiculous. Just because someone is an actor doesn't make them "sheltered" even though I know that destroys the narrative you'd like to live by. Brad Pitt makes major money yet he's down in New Orleans funding and helping build homes. What are you doing to help?

Good story, Nate. You played against us in college at Menlo btw (went to La Verne) and you abused one of my buddies so badly it ended up on ESPN. Twice.

Hope you didn't get anything you shouldn't have via message which could've ruined the relationship...!

Well, dropbox syncs to your machine as well and therefore you have a local copy of your data. Even if you don't have an internet connection, you can access all of your files since the last sync and there's no issue. The system will sync with dropbox when you connect again. So, you aren't losing anything.

I generally agree with the no case theory, but, I did buy a Gelaskin to throw on the back of my 4 and 4S. I just don't want the glass to be scratched. I have yet to drop my phone and in fact, I can't remember dropping any of them since the 3G. I did accidentally twirl my phone into a concrete wall by pulling it,

Dear god that was a brutal movie to watch... I am pretty sure I cried at the end there.

Excellent reference.

Yes, there is.

How can you not have a star with such insightful, useful comments such as this?!

Hey man, the year 2000 called and wants its talking points back.

You mean the economy that was already tanked when he took office in 2009? The one that he stopped from hemorrhaging money and jobs throughout the last couple years (it was never turning around overnight, sparky)? Don't look now - I know it doesn't fit your narrative - but every month he's been in office we've lost

Hahaha, that's hilarious. You obviously don't know shit so I'm not even going to try and help you out. Good luck in that fake reality bubble you live in.

I'm not going to argue with a kid that uses that logic... Enjoy your inflated sense of self-worth and privilege.

Yeah, that really, really doesn't make you cool. At all.

Yeah, I've bought and sold plenty of things on Craigslist (TV, my laptops, iPhones, etc) and haven't had any issues. Bad experience?

I am not a secular anything, I was never baptized and even though I went to church as a kid it was - as I pointed out in a response just now - more likely so my mom could have the house to herself than because I actually cared. I've fully rejected it all.

I'm not saying that it's not unimportant, per se. I am saying that it's completely trivial and the fact that an entire post was written about it is mildly sad.

For. Fuck's. Sake.

I always miss these things...