
As Segador2.0 points out, most people embrace social media in order to make themselves look far more interesting and/or engaged with the world than they are. Sure, people do live their lives and some find meaning, but, the majority of the world is pretty boring and the reality of their existence is that they don't

That's because she got naked with Bjiou Philips in it.


Because it's basic and not very interesting... You didn't see Apple pushing their previous version of voice control with the very strict commands, did you? You don't promote shit that isn't worth promoting.

I actually just got the 4S this weekend (sold my 4) and have used Siri a bit around the house (mostly to wake me up from naps haha) and I will say that's it's convenient. The text I've said to it for texts and Google Voice all came out pretty damn accurate with one issue when it confused "bang" with "bring."

He never bothered to take it down either, just left it up there. The other commenters pretty much called him a complete dick as well.

I'd be willing to bet that the search functionality is much better than the native iPhone search. It's awful and most of the time doesn't even return results. I have to go to the web app just to search most times. It's pretty brutal considering it's v 5 of the OS.

This is exactly what I thought of when I read the title.

I agree that the photo stream option seems pretty basic and unfinished at the moment but it is just a 1.0 release so perhaps this stuff will come as the system is built out. I also wonder if the rationale behind it is: "If you take pics on your phone, you're probably putting them onto your computer fairly quickly, so,

Future-proofing is irrelevant in this case because Apple makes the hardware and software. They're not dependent on some software company and whatever they may push out into the OS ecosystem. Apple has pretty much allowed each phone to live for a couple of OS iterations, there's no reason to believe that will be


I loved those! I had so many of them but could never afford the big brontosaurus (or whatever) one with the giant side transporters. I wonder what ever happened to these.

Haha, ok dude. I don't know what you're reading - the profile page shows all mentions and replies - but to each their own. Enjoy your supposed superiority up there on your high horse. Peace out, princess.

They may be his friends but they're all good actors - outside of Katie Holmes.

No, not trolling at all. I don't troll, so, not sure where you're getting that. Oldman is very strong in the character, looks just like the character, and brings some quality acting to each of the scenes he's in. You didn't provide any insight as to why you don't like the current character and you automatically assume

What?! Oldman nails Gordon, not sure what you're talking about. Perhaps it's just talking for the sake of talking?

This I could believe. I've honestly never listened to a pair but have heard good things. BUT, I don't know that they're the end all, be all of headphones and they could be "good" because of Dre's name being attached to them.

The GM on my iPad 2 works fine. It could be something with the original iPad though that wouldn't necessarily make much sense since Facebook isn't exactly an intensive app. You're on the GM, right?

I know plenty of people who wear them that aren't hipsters, don't listen to Weezy, and listen to their iPods. So, try again with your stereotypes, sparky.

I got nothin'.