
Get fucked.

I'd only installed the SBS settings app (or whatever it was called) and MobileNotifier. Worked fine for a while and then just became ridiculously slow. Oh well.

That is true, though, the last time I jail broke my phone it become ridiculously slow and annoying to use. Had to restore it a few weeks ago. Hopefully, if I do it again that won't happen. had a good site to sell on too; $200 bucks for it.

Ah, fucking boooooooo!!! I was so looking forward to this feature. Ugh.

Yeah, you're probably correct but people will still be comparing it to an iPad and some will undoubtedly be taken aback that it's a different kind of tablet than they were expecting. Hell, I could be wrong - are there apps (outside of browser, book reader, etc) for this thing? No mention above in the article so my

You know the answer to that...

Well, technically we don't know how much it did or didn't outsell, since Amazon has never said. It'll sell, probably, but, well, honestly I don't have anything to say. : /

Who wants to make a bet that iPads still outsell this at, oh, I dunno, 3 to 1? People are buying iPads despite the "high" price because of everything you can do with them. People bitched about the iPad being "content consuming" only...I don't see anything on this that actually allows you do create anything ala iMovie

Yeah, took them forever to add it to their own Google voice app. Wonder why they're so against it.

Oh, that was genius...

I'm partial to Gun Street Girl and I Wish I Was in New Orleans. He's tough for people to get into because they're so weirded out by his voice, but, if you listen closely and appreciate music for what it is, or should be, then he's really, really great and fun to listen to.

She's filming the Avengers right now, what exactly does she need to keep her name out there for? She's consistently filming, I don't think she's in danger of "falling off."

If he can find it, it's yours!

As if I couldn't hate that douchebag even more... ugh

Nope, my battery life was fine. But, there was definitely an issue with phone performance under the jailbreak. Not sure if it had to do with the MobileNotifier app (I only had that and the SBS Settings, or whatever it was called, installed) but there was definitely something wrong. I routinely had less than 30 MB of

You know, it could have more to do with the fact that your phone is jailbroken than Apple's solution to this... I've had my iPhone 4 jailbroken for months (I wanted MobileNotifier) and noticed that opening apps was taking nearly 10 seconds sometimes and most were unresponsive for that time while it cached itself or

Yes, yes, agreed on the second paragraph. But, if you do care about that stuff, then you're a legit photographer and you're already working with good equipment, not trying to be awesome with an iPhone (like me!) : )

Yeah, I'm gonna go with the latter there. I've taken some great photos with the iPhone 4, not sure you're hating on. "Oh noes, it doesn't have a retinal corrector or a super sky correcting lens like the Samsung 98XGTU Revive!"* And, nobody cares either. The phone takes really good photos given that it's a phone, it's

This is not cool, Apple. Not cool at all.**