
jesus christ on a cracker, there is so much wrong in your post it'd take a god damn dissertation just to sort through it all and set you right... Hope someone has the time to do so.

I don't see any crying in there, princess, but, congrats for finding it? I'm sure this is all a riot for you down at the "office" you work at but the fact remains you still haven't actually responded to anything I wrote with any kind of clarity, just random word vomit.

Ha, good catch. I'll be editing that now...


I love it that when anyone anywhere presents a counter argument to conservative (bullshit) it's automatically a "liberal" issue! It could come from Reagan himself and people would criticize. Get over yourself.

This could've been summed up in a few sentences: Ryan Reynolds. He's not a star. He can't open movies (never has) and despite Hollywood's best attempts at shoving him down our throats, no one cares.

You can always add your (or a) Instragram feed into Fliboard, which is free, as well.

Yeah, you're patently incorrect.

And you know what, that's all worked out splendidly. They are the most profitable tech company in the world, by far. So, you go ahead and live with whatever bland, boring decisions MS, HP, Acer, etc make and Apple will just keep plugging along by making amazing hardware and damn good software.

Ah, thank you for that. I'm so glad it was the last comment, it sums everything up so nicely. These guys all have their panties in a bunch because a writer wrote a blog post they disagree with. These kids are worse than the online gamers sometimes.

I'm gonna count down the moments until you get banned for being a twat and going after the writers...

That's great and all but this article is referring to the PC, not their consumer gadgets - which, until just a couple years ago was nothing but a money pit that lost millions each quarter. So, that's great, in bizarro business world I suppose. XBox is fine. Zune, nobody cared about because it was a "me too" product

He's referring to tablets and smaller devices, not MS vs Apple.

I'm not positive which reality you reside, but, MS is far from being the "spear point" for advancement. If you believe so, I'd love some examples. The MS I'm familiar with is the one that got into their position via less than rosy tactics and just cutting their prices to get their foot in the door (which is a

Too bad I'm not starred on this Gawker site, I'd promote the hell out of you for that one.

Well, I stay because I've been there since the first iPhone and do have the actual unlimited data plan. It's worth the $5 a month to not have to worry about data caps unlike my ex who goes over each month because her job doesn't have wifi and she's there most of the time.

Yeah...both lines. She was a useless piece of that movie.

Also, those goggles may not be a permanent part of the costume, it could just be for this particular scene for some reason. You never know. We'll see. I'm not doubting the ideas Chris Nolan has for a single minute since both movies have been nearly flawless.

I wish this site had a thumbs down for comments...

I'd say that because of the growth and awareness of social media amongst business that Google+ is how it is already. Companies aren't always stupid. The last few years have proven to them that they can connect with customers with these sites and when a new one comes along, they're already in the know. It's not like