
and, boom.

These assholes fucked up my whole evening. Took me over 30 minutes just to get to La Brea from Los Feliz. Stupid E'd out jackasses, go chew on a pacifier!

What the fcuk...? Why do you have a star? And, what the hell would it accomplish for Apple to not exist? A throwback to the days of disgusting beige boxes and one OS doing nothing with itself for 10 years alá Windows XP? A return to half-assed implementations of smart phones and their OS'? Get the fcuk outta here with

because people like this stuff. come down from your golden perch up there, please.


You must be a libertarian.

Indeed, sir.

I also hear that headlights help with this type of thing... Seriously, just turn on the brights and slow down. Use the $3 for a coffee or some cupcakes.

Ha...I just said hello to him last week at a burger joint in LA. He did not have this with him.


Ha, I had the wrong state and everything. If I ever decide to visit NY, I'll check the neighborhood out. In the meantime, I'll enjoy my Los Feliz/Silver Lake neighborhoods and making fun of the pompous, ironic, PBR-drinking trust fund crowd.

In VA? I didn't know there was a similar enclave like Silver Lake out there. Yeah, bangs and tattoos do it for me. :)

Fergie is awful...I'm with you. I have a thing for Ellen Page too. But, I live in Silver Lake, I think I'm conditioned to like non-traditional girls.

This guy can kiss my ass. I bought that stupid app from the cydia store only to have it not work ever and also never respond to a single email (4) that I sent to him. Deal with it dude, you made plenty of money off your trash.

It didn't rip my Book of Eli from Netflix the other day... : ( Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Seems to me that DVDs made after some point in 2009, if they were important enough films, don't work anymore. My movie collection growth has seriously slowed because of this. : )

I don't see any iPhone shortages; can choose whatever plan you want with the iPhone, it's just a phone, what are you talking about?; I don't see some insurmountable amount of differences in OS' - particularly after today; wow, can't go to T-Mobile or Sprint, big deal. So, sure, Android has the iPhone beat on

Cool, so, that has absolutely nothing to do with what I wrote. Excellent try! I said most people aren't concerned with tinkering and hacking and fucking around...regardless of platform - iOS, OS X, Win7, Vista, Android 1-3, Blackberry, WebOS, etc. Most people just want the phone/device/machine to do what they'd like

How cute. You're in the minority though. 95% of people in the world just want their things to work. No one cares about the stuff you're crying about. The experience for UI and hardware with the iPhone is better than every other phone available. Points can be made for better spec'd phones or better OS features, but, no

Seems as though nothing they did - or this article could've said - would stop the bitching on this thread. You guys would've hated on it if they said iOS printed money to spend on hookers and blow while simultaneously teaching you kung-fu. Why even bother with articles like this? People will cry about Apple and say

He'd have had to take a cold shower to get rid of his Android hard-on.