
Yeah...there was only one reason to jailbreak and that was the notifications. The WiFi sync was a joke and everything else was more or less useless.

I actually don't get hardly any reception in my place, no matter what. I live on the first floor of an apartment building and on all three sides of the building are taller, I'm literally in a deadzone here. I can walk to the street, works fine. Walk into my room? Dead. AT&T is awesome!

You're in SoCal? Me too. Hollywood specifically. Dolphins fan too. Glad I'm not the only one.

Yeah, we know that. There's a good place out here that sells NY style pizza, not the real thing (they get the dough shipped from NY, but, I don't know that makes it NY pizza), and when I see people using utensils I want to slap the pizza out of their hand.

PS - I wasn't slamming you in my previous comment, I just replied to the last item in the string. So, sorry if there's any miscommunication; my comment was more just a general thing, not directed at you.

Funny, because my iPhone works just fine with only a Gelaskin on the back to keep it from getting scratched. Crazy what actually using it will tell you instead of vomiting up blog posts and their sometimes inaccurate info.


Ahhh...then it appears that I've misread the article in my haste! OK, I'll check it out.

Nope...not supporting anything backed by those vultures. Good concept, wrong backers for me.

There was plenty to.

That's right down the block from me, didn't know she had stuff there. I'll hit it up before Cheetah's. hahahaha

You keep calling people kid as if it makes you some kind of bad ass. You're not. I completely get and understand the concept of the software we're discussing - it helps that I work for a software company, princess.

Oh good were one of those asking for Obama's birth certificate, right? Get outta here with that mess, man. This really isn't a big deal. All the smartphones have location caches and Apple happened to eff it up with how they handled it. Whaaaaa....go cry about it somewhere in an Android forum or something.

This is so beyond interesting and important to me. I don't care if it's Android, iOS, WebOS, or WinPhone7, this is useless click bait. Sure, they could've initially handled it better, but, for fuck's sake the phones have GPS' in them which tracks you and no one cries about. Good god, let something interesting in the

No sir, it's out in the wastelands past Palm Springs. Empire Polo Grounds.

Because it was three days of amazing. Kanye closed out Sunday night.

I did. Deal with it or go cry into your blanket and reminisce about the good ol' days where concert goers were too cool to care about remembering what they saw.

Um, it's in the Mojave Desert which, I believe, qualifies as a desert. So...

Thank you for pointing that last part out. That is conveniently left out of all the fear-baiting stories about this whole thing.