
lift a weight, dude...

@BigManMalone: Ha, anyone that links to Fox can't be taken seriously.

@Midnight_12: Yep, all talk. Nothing more. Enjoy your alternate reality over with the burbling sea cucumbers on Fox and Friends.

@Norbs: haha, I try. I was just being sarcastic.

@tn544: Yeah, all this says is that you happen to own a cell phone that has tethering. Congratulations. You're not impressing anyone.

@dgkz0idberg: Check the Console for the crash logs. When I first got a Macbook in '06, I had constant kernel panics. Finally smartened up and looked through the logs, found out it was the Camino browser that was causing it. Uninstalled it and literally have not had an issue with crashing on any of the 4-5 Macs I've

@billysan: Thirded (smeagol92055 2nded)

@Henry Postigo: Who the hell is Ralph? Their third cousin? : )

@OtherGonzo: Same way Batman did in The Dark Knight - leaning.

@Ari Schwartz: You're my favorite person today! Thanks, Ari.

@Jackstick: I've got some tissue here for you to cry into if you'd like.

@Yeah!: Football players still hit harder. Science proved it.

@geolemon: But this article is about applications and your comment said "this doesn't happen" on a Mac. That insinuates that you were playing on the idea that macs are impenetrable when we're talking about software made by other parties. Just clarify more! : )

I love the lead-in shot. Thanks.

@geolemon: Even more interesting is the fact this article is about APPS and not about OS X.

@GitEmSteveDave: Please say you're a girl so you can rationalize a lower back tattoo...

@HeroOfTomorrow quit smoking: That is EXACTLY how I feel. I laugh at the people that say astrology is a bunch of made up stuff and blah blah blah. You know, because invisible sky people who do things no one in modern history has ever seen makes much, much more sense.

@OGHowie: Agreed. I live in Silverlake/Los Feliz and it works fine for the most part except two areas where I've never had service regardless of the carrier. I don't get people that bitch about AT&T in LA as it seems work out just fine.