
@caliaa: Yeah, go cry about it somewhere dude. Get over your hatred, it's a new year. Come out of the basement.

I'm sorry, I know he's a douche and guns shouldn't be played with, but that picture makes me crack up every time I see it.

@Gimmeslack: I would certainly say that the confusion is being minimized. Windows 7 and OS X are extremely easy to pick up for nearly everyone. But is is a fairly new occurrence, it's not the norm.

@Gimmeslack: Capitalizing "Savvy Users" doesn't make any of this sound cool. While there is a group that enjoys this, the majority of consumers are not up for hunting for drivers or installing one-off programs to view their photos or do Task A or B. Most consumers - hell, even businesses - want minimal setup time

Whoa, Adam, you live in Los Feliz? Me too. Right on Kenmore and Hollywood. Crazy.

How about some gifts for people not making $150k a year? Anything from Kohls or Target catch your eye? jesus christ.

Amateur? Really? "Amateur boxing", "amateur bull riding", "amateur photography tutorials."

@Futhark: I did the same thing when I moved into my own apartment. I watch Mad Men religiously. Everything else is kind of peripheral - I took to downloading Walking Dead and Boardwalk Empire. Other than that, everything I need is on Hulu. No cable for me and I could care less. Hell, I can even stream the Dolphins

@viktorio.sostar: I also strongly recommend Dropbox. The app for the iPhone is top notch. Give it a whirl.

@SynthOno: Well, I think it's a minority point of view that think the Apple logo is obnoxious when open and visible. I can "kinda" see your point, but, I think it's a bit nit-picky. It doesn't change colors and glow florescent colors like a rave or play Justin Beiber out of it, it's just a light. It's one flashy thing

@SynthOno: I don't find it obnoxious at all. It's simple. It's also, as blyan points out below, in the same spot as other manufacturers. Theirs don't glow, they're just reflective "chrome" finish.

Doesn't Jonny Ive and Apple do just about the same thing, save for the sleep indicator light on the front right of the body?

@hawkeye18: oh god....i just spit out water all over my keyboard AND laughed like a hyena when I saw this. Thanks.

@battra92: Step out of the basement...