
@Canoehead: Calm down, Jack Bauer. This isn't 24.

@jbouklas: And that is why I don't think this whole thing is that big of a deal. Embarrassing? Sure. Security-blowing death leak? Nope. The first thing they did with the whole Afghanistan war was way more interesting than this.

@SageofMusic: Ha, if you go to the top of the page for this story, he's in the bottom screenshot vid on the right side of the page. That guy!

@SageofMusic: I remember that too. That was the first thing that made me think there was more "human" in them than in other films/shows. Also, the scene where Rick gets overrun in Atl on the horse. One of the first two zombies he walked by in the city (they were in the bus, chillin and then walked out) kind of looked

@vel0city: Or, Command-Space in OS X to do the same thing. Amazing, isn't it?

@kitkatklub123: really? how and why do you have a star with such insightful nonsense such as that?

But, that doesn't fit the ignorant rantings of guys like Steve King and the right-wing narrative creators that think this guy should get exactly what you described in your first paragraph.

@Striker0528: I appreciate the expansion on your original comments. We're cool. : )

@Striker0528: Well, now that I'm down at your level for a few... These two sentences are pretty straight-forward. Perhaps you should look into phrasing differently or elaborating on what you mean.

@Striker0528: The fact you're rationalizing how he SHOULD have done it and that it was ONLY a cancer hospital shows how much of a dick you are. Dick.

We played against Nate Jackson in college... he ate our team up and after one game against my friend's school, my friend ended up on ESPN because Nate had something like 97 catches for 10,000 yards in that game.

@RJL991: Haha, it's not so much anger as it is...disappointment, sadness, and the feeling of "why even fucking bother?"

Ha, when I got my MacBook last march, the guy asked if I was a student. I made something up on the spot, said I was last semester taking random classes and the JC for fun and he gave me the $100 off. I'm 29, finished school years ago. Don't mind taking advantage of this though!

Steve King is a rage-clown. Everything that comes out of his dumb fucking mouth is a joke.

No, I think these are good. Thanks for the informative videos Gizmodo. We tend to live in this blissful ignorance where everything we want/need is just there. We pay no mind to how it may have gotten there whether it be a chicken sandwich or an iPhone. I appreciate you calling attention to these things even if they're

This whole situation makes me sad. : /

@Duuuuuuude: Thanks, I try. I get what you mean, but, to me, their time has passed I guess. Meth was one of my favorite rappers - I have Tical on my iPhone, but, he got so damn lazy!

@GamerKT: I'm really not sure if I'm reading that without sarcasm... I put the big spoiler at the top in case anyone that hadn't seen the episode and hadn't wandered into the recap thread wouldn't have their ending ruined. So, yeah.

@beefmalone: I did! Totally did! Totally think that's how they got up there so easily...but, there was only one road in, they would've heard the truck coming.