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    Wait, what the fuck?

    They do not, which is why they released the source code for FreeSpace 2 way back.

    Big Yup on the Small Soldiers vibe.

    Reading the comments here are horrendous. It’s like the world is treating Quebecois like... cyclists! Better off dead. And no one sees the irony in this.

    I loved the game up until I got to the fetch quest. I was never able to finish it, so years later I just skipped to the cutscene on YouTube.

    That was my guess too. The more you know.

    Fight Night Round 4 has this feature, yeah. It’s still my go-to boxing game.

    Er, what the hell is this about? Why is Boba Fett (re)killing someone who’s tied down?

    Er... Pacific Rim The Black really got a season 2? Yikes.

    I was really surprised that the top comment is what it is. Did they even watch the video?

    Well thanks, now I expect someone to write an article about all of these. I'm not sure I'm prepared to bee disappointed.

    Marie Kondo is right, but the internet hates her for being sensible. Go figure.

    I know you didn’t intend this (and I’m not even through with this thread yet!), but I’ve been having a laugh reading yours and everyone else’s appropriate responses to Jamie White.

    I’m not paying to watch the majority of the Olympics, and the fact that the IOC are going to take down every clip for this Olympics (rather than leave it to the rights holders) ensures that future viewers with interests in their niche sports are never going to be able to view the matches legally. That’s perfectly fine.

    Except Star Craft Ghost.

    I don’t know what she’s aiming at, but her body mechanics is pretty good!

    How do I report a bot who’s following me through kinja?

    I hope in the sequel that Cole Young becomes Scorpion instead of Plot Armor (I saw someone call that his arcana. That should be his fighter name. Who’s with me?). I like the actor, but the whole movie was him needing help in every fight.

    On the first part, it’s something they pushed when Iwata was leading Nintendo but I don’t think anything but Wii-era stuff came out of it (for good reason): https://kotaku.com/nintendos-new-business-your-health-1684166147

    He seemed genuinely like a great person, but his amazing record with the Wii is mired by Nintendo’s move to “health-as-a-service” and the Wii U debacle. In fact, ever since the Wii really, I lost interest in Nintendo.