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    Are you thinking of Battlecry? It’s not Macross canon.

    This movie is wonderful in all the right ways. It’s about time we treat Godzilla vs films as the popcorn flick it deserves to be. 

    No. Money goes to Roberts. JPEGS go to investors.

    If he didn’t specifically mention clown, I thought he was trying to  look like a kabuki mask.

    This is a fucking terrible article, and the review is wholly necessary.

    Correct take, thank you.

    Correct take, thank you. Whoops, wrong post.

    I could only watch through half of the video before acknowledging that this probably isn’t a game for me.

    Still just waiting for Dawn of the Monsters. Can’t wait to become a rampaging Kaiju

    It was cool for a minute before I realized that half the articles in most topics are old news. Much prefer the latest tab.

    Fast food breakfast was also stupid and McDonald’s All-Day Breakfast never clicked with me even before the pandemic. Wish they decided to opt for All-Day not-Breakfast instead.

    Hahaha fuck you, Sony.

    It’s not accurate. It’s been in development even longer.

    It’s hilarious that there are still loyal fans!

    With how much “cross-over” there is to each other, the Black woman in SF2 might have been an early iteration of Kate Alen, anyway.

    My partner does this all the time with a mug. She said they did it in her country a lot. It didn’t occur to me that Americans did it too.

    Okay, fine. This game is fucking cool. I’m convinced.

    I can finally see Cobra Kai

    Damn, I was really hoping that like the pre-release interviews have stated, that this was going to be a Kurosawa-like game. It’s disappointing to know that once you’ve reached the late-game stage, the tension all but evaporates.

    *reads headlines*