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    ... Oh man. I really hate that I have to correct you because you’re almost right, but...

    I don’t disagree that there are too many Fire Emblem characters and too many clones in general specifically for the franchise throughout its history (Ike<Chrom>Roy*Marth>Lucina). But Marth and Ike aren’t clones and aren’t alike except that they both use swords, are humanoid, and have blue hair.

    Well, Sakomoto is pleased not everyone hated it.

    Echo fighter is a really bad terminology. Prior to having an official name, clone was the term people used. Echo fighters when given an official name was used to describe characters that were based off of existing characters so as to speed dev time. That’s great and all, but it means nothing to a player if the Echo

    Dude, their Up B moves are completely different. Ike and Kirby basically share the same recovery move. Marth is more similar to Luigi’s.

    They said it will be shorter, but it still exists, per the very first reveal for the game.

    The damage/weight/jump height/floatiness could be different. Or think Ken and Ryu in the first Street Fighters.

    It was entertaining for one sitting. Then it became a drag with zero replayability.

    Coopers Hawk.

    This. It’s always been the Super Nintendo when it was being produced. I first heard of SNES because of ROMs and the internet, after the Gamecube generation, whatever number that was.

    The horror! The outrage! Where’s them pitchforks?

    Oops, I just realized I posted on the wrong page. I thought the fitness challenge was Wall Walks. Damnit! Oh well, doing this now!

    Holy crap, staring at cement is scary. I could hold myself to the wall, but then I was too afraid to walk. I did lift one arm away a couple times before the cement made me queasy.

    I’m gonna try this. God speed.

    Is that really still a selling point for the Switch? I imagine most people nowadays do one or the other, not both. It smells like a gimmick that doesn’t need to be imitated.

    I also don’t trust Nintendo to make smart business decisions. Although with Iwata gone (remember when he tried to turn Nintendo into a “quality of life” company?), Nintendo’s been doing much better.

    ... Fuck me. I was there two months ago, and nobody told me about the waters. In hindsight, not many people were near the water. Fuck me.

    Oh in that case, I understand. If this was at a US-based restaurant, I would’ve been confused.

    Yeah, that’s not how vegetarians/vegans should operate.