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    It probably affects me too, but I don’t buy tickets from American carriers. I’m also relatively small, and I haven’t had issues with space. I also frequently travel international, so I get free new movies for long flights, too.

    That’s the point when you should be getting a taxi or a buddy who you scheduled ahead to be free.

    American egg rolls are the worst. When I was a kid, my parents sent me to my uncle’s carryout restaurant so that they work without having me be home alone. My uncle offered egg rolls, and while I was expecting spring rolls, I ended up with teeth-shattering wraps of blandness. I opted for chicken wings every time I had

    While I applaud their effort, these zoodles aren’t for me. I’m trying to gain carbs, not lose them.

    I know, right? I’d easily choose a free vegetarian meal over buying my own.

    It had to do with tradition and history. Long time ago, cows and sheep were expensive to raise and eat. Those were only for special occasions. Fish, on the other hand, is free because anyone can go to a body of water and grab them. There were infinite number of fishes in the sea, unlike sheep and cows. That’s why Lent

    :| wut; This wasn’t seitan, right? It was actual ham, and the waiter/waitress said ham was not meat?

    I don’t think it’s too much to ask for one option to be vegetarian-friendly. But apparently that’s only normal when offices order pizzas.


    If my office went full tofu, I’d be happy.

    Isn’t it a known phenomenon that Yelp is an extortion racket? I heard about this way back in the day.

    Agreed. I have no love for Sailor Moon nor most anime, but the investigative journalism got me to reading the whole thing. And the twist! Completely left-field.

    I don’t know the background of the two people he shot before this short, but they were just hired security for a rich person who Nathan is stealing twice from.

    Thank God for the people at Hard Light Productions. At least they’re making space combat sims better every day.

    Sounds good, thanks! One potential hiccup I’ll likely face is that he too proud to try it unless someone else buys it for him, so choosing flavors is going to be difficult.

    This also works with a group of friends. If nobody is moving but the group is planning on going somewhere, as soon as one person moves, the whole group follows.

    There’s a period missing in 12 mg, right? Actually asking since your info contradicts my first Google search and I’m thinking about getting e-cigs for my father.

    Thank you so much for the subreddit! My quality of life has infinitely improved.

    Evidently false. See also: 2008, 2016, and every other year wrt Congress.

    How do I pin this?