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    Fuck White People.

    Even if she was right, I wouldn’t have defended anything that thing said.

    It’s true!

    If I knew about this sooner, I’d buy tickets. Also to DaveCon. I’d love a DaveCon.

    I hope there’s a Napoleonic Era DLC. Or a historical DLC of some sort. It looks like it’s only one step away!

    Today, my radio alarm mentioned that Asia was seen holding hands with another man and speculated that a strained relationship may have been the cause of Bourdain’s death. I turned off the radio as soon as I heard it.

    He just explained my beef with Netflix’s Altered Carbon.

    Nor is it a relevant comparison. Everyone knows public transit is cheaper than any mode of transportation. The report here shows that car ownership is not practical in at least four cities. Taking time as a factor, ridesharing is looking to be something I’d use if I ever move to a metro where I have to pay for parking

    The failure of Other M is entirely due to writing. Samus doesn’t need to be alone or silent. But if the writers turn her into a damsel in distress the moment she encounters her video game nemesis that she fought four times prior, something is very wrong.

    After reading this opinion piece and the commenters, I far less optimistic about 2020.

    I don’t frequent Splinter, but the headline criticizing Obama baited me. Then I read the comment section, and the nerve of some of these people...

    ... I get this reference. :D

    It’s detachable.

    I thought Junkrat was cosplaying Archives Lucio. Then I saw the pirate-theme, and I think he’s cosplaying Black Sails.

    I’m trying to be more like you, and this article really helps to get me started.

    How did it foil pickpockets? Was it extremely weighted and you witnessed someone fail to carry it away?

    How did it foil pickpockets? Was it extremely weighted and you witnessed someone fail to carry it away?

    I had to look it up, but now I know why the language setting was in French.

    Wait, where is this coming from anyway?

    Wait, where is this coming from anyway?

    Thanks! I was wondering if this was like some of the other donations that I’ve done that are deductible where I get a free tote bag or a free plush toy WWF when I donated the first time.

    Thanks! I thought that was the case.